New Corals coming today!!!!!

Alright damn it! You've forced my hand here.

I don't think you want to force my hand... You don't know what you're in for.

But I have no choice. I will be forced to post sexy David Hasselhoff portraits until you step up to the plate and do what you have to do.

Here they are. Brain,Sympodium,flower pot and mushroom rock.These are not the best pics. We will try to get more later. Please no more Hasselhoff!!!!:D



They look great. Congratulations and thank you. I couldn't sleep last night envisioning Hoff half nude all night.

What is the second one? Blue and green little flowers. It's purdy!
very nice corals i really like the blue flower pot coral. those things are awesome. I think im going to have nightmares for atleast a week now from seeing the HOFF so many times..........AAAAAHHHHHHHHH (pulling hair out)
From what I understand Sympodium are fairly new in the hobby.
Those are some awesome additions.

I was gettin ready to delete this thread just to SLOW DOWN Biffs hoff pics.:mrgreen: