Team Liquid Force
25 more pounds of live rock, changed the crushed coral to sand, bought an emerald crab, pepermint shrimp, some hermits and snails, also one of the rocks I bought had a mushroom coral on it:Cheers: (this is my first coral in the tank) figured it was good for starters. I think I spent an hour in front of my tank trying to get the live rock to look good. I will be adding more rock as soon as the store gets some more in. Tell me what you think.
Anyone know what the two white things, right of the mushroom are?
Emerald crab, this guy is pimp, he immediatly started eating away after I put him in the tank.
I will be adding more fish pretty soon, still reading all the information I can obsorbe before I make any decisions. As always your honest opinions are appreciated.
Anyone know what the two white things, right of the mushroom are?
Emerald crab, this guy is pimp, he immediatly started eating away after I put him in the tank.
I will be adding more fish pretty soon, still reading all the information I can obsorbe before I make any decisions. As always your honest opinions are appreciated.