Thanks :) lol. I knew before I started that this hobby was going to be costly but I am trying to save where I can, but if I have to I will by a higher priced skimmer in a heartbeat if it means it will benefit me in the long run. Is 10000k daylight and 460nm lunar lights good enough for my tank if I want corals and inverts?
in all honesty, saving where you can probably wont work out. I tried doing this in the start and it just cost me nearly double in the long run. 10,000k daylight, is good, lunar lights don't really matter, they are just so you can still see the tank etc at night. but you will need some actinic lighting, 10,000k makes the water look kinda green, especially if you have some algae in there. The actinic will not only make the water look 10x better, it will also help with the photosynthesis of coral and stuff.
but back to trying to save money, for instance, i didn't want to shell out $ for a really good power head, so i bought 3 decent ones... so instead of buying a 250$ power head, i bought 3 50$ ones over 5 months... 150$, and wound up scrapping them all for the 250$ one cause the 3 couldn't do the work of the 1. I tried to build money saving sumps, and wound up making mistakes and stuff that just dosn't work...
in the long run, i have always spent more money by trying to save money.
plus if you save up and buy the best you can, you'll wind up with a better and easier to maintain tank in the long run. In my opinion it's worth saving the money and getting all the best stuff in 6+ months, than getting ok stuff and starting the tank right away, it will greatly improve your overall tank love