New (1 month) 10 Gallon Wall Mount


Reefing newb
Hi All - I am new to the saltwater hobby and wish to receive a few suggestions regarding my new 1 month set-up. I have a 10 gallon wall mounted tank with 10lbs of live rock, 20lbs fiji live sand, 1 clown, 9 blue legged hermits and 2 bumble bee snails. My tank is has been cycled (this has been confirmed many times by our LFS). I also check my parameters daily and have had 2 people come out to test our set up and both have confirmed that water looks great and we are on the right track. I have been battling ich (temps at 82-84+ w/ich attack) with my clown for the past 1 1/2 weeks and have seen great progress. However, the ich does seem to linger.....but my clown appears and behaves healthly. He eats like crazy and is no longer hiding or lying on the sand.

I have attached photos for comments on our live rock placement. Our clown does not swim around actively and usually stays in a few spots and hovers (until feeding time). I know that clowns are unsual fish and can be quirky, but would like opinions if my live rock placement is not ideal for fish to swim around. I plan to get another clown in a week or so once the ich signs have passed.



  • Clown Fish.jpg
    Clown Fish.jpg
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  • Wall Mount Tank.jpg
    Wall Mount Tank.jpg
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Welcome to the site!

For starters, read this thread on ich:

Pretty much, your tank will now always have ich, but have no fear--most of us don't qt our fish and probably have ich in our tanks. As long as your fish is eating, he stands a good chance of fighting it off (but he will forever have it in him; just dormant).

If (knock on wood) your fish doesn't make it, you can leave your tank fallow (fishless) for a few months, then qt and treat all future fish for ich. But again, most of us don't qt.
Welcome to the site!

For starters, read this thread on ich:

Pretty much, your tank will now always have ich, but have no fear--most of us don't qt our fish and probably have ich in our tanks. As long as your fish is eating, he stands a good chance of fighting it off (but he will forever have it in him; just dormant).

If (knock on wood) your fish doesn't make it, you can leave your tank fallow (fishless) for a few months, then qt and treat all future fish for ich. But again, most of us don't qt.

Yes, I know. However, with my tank only 10 gallons, I am not looking at doing a QT tank at this point. I am hoping to see this tank though, but if no success...I can always switch to freshwater. I am looking for thoughts on my live rock choice and placement. Thanks!
Hi Kellie! Fun Tank!
Clowns are silly, that's for sure. They also aren't the most exciting swimmers. It's got nothing to do with your rockscaping.For a ten gallon I don't know if I'd add another clown, if you do make sure the new one is either much bigger or much smaller. Clowns can be aggressive and pick on each other. I had 2 clowns that were the same size in my 14 gallon and one bullied the other to death.
Maybe adding a different type of fish will be more interesting. Check out the nano fish section on
You will also need a couple different types of snails eventually. A few nass, some cerith and astera (sp) Bumblebee snails are a bit more carnivore so I don't know how much help they'll be with algae.
Thanks everyone for your comments and suggestions. And yes, the tank looks deceiving!! The dimensions are 17.5h x 69.5w x 5d which includes the decorative frame. The tank itself holds 10.5 gallons.

I was questioning whether or not to purchase another clown. I know clowns can be happy either alone or paired with another. Just not sure which is the best choice due to the size of my tank. The place where I purchased my tank said that I could have up to 4 fish...2 clowns and 2 damsels without issues. However, I am still doing research to see what I should do.
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The place where you purchased your tank was not correct. You cannot have 4 fish in your 10 gallon. And you should not have any damsels. Damsels are very mean, very territorial and would be absolute monsters in your tank.
Check out the site I referenced above and look at nano fish. You can have 2 of these nano fish. Perhaps a clown and the pygmy wrasse. Or a clown and a firefish.
Wait...your tank is only 5" from front to back?

What odd dimensions for a tank. Was this a custom build or something?
Also, your dimensions don't line up with the contents of the tank:

69.5 x 17.5 x 5 is 6081 cubic inches.
6081 cubic inches in gallons is like 26.4 or something.
Just wondering, do you have a powerhead of some type in there?

Tank is pretty, but i wouldnt add 4 fish. Two clowns should be ok though. Just as the others said though, make sure one is way bigger then the other or they will fight.
Thank you!! No powerhead, just two filters with an output of 450 liters/hour for each. I've been told several times that this is plenty of water flow and filtration for the tank.
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I think it looks pretty cool... neat idea.

Since you asked for comments on the rock. overall it looks good from the 2 pics provided, looks like there is some hiding and swimming room for you clown. I am sure it is, but I would glue the one rock that is creating a cave to both sides ( this way it will not fall down and crush anything should items shift )

Good Luck with the fish... keep him happy and they will do fine.