Need info on sump


Reefing newb
OK let me start by stating what I want to do... I have another 125 gallon long tank that im going to make another reef tank.. of course the tank has tempered glass and cannot be drilled and Im NOT going to use another cannister filter... What Im wanting is a HOB overflow and a sump however I have absolutely NO clue on what to get .. can anyone help me with some links on a complete setup I can just purchase (including pumps and hardware) or tell me every piece I need so I can get it? or would you just reccomend using a cannsiter filter?

thanks again in advance for your help..

Use either an Eschopps or CPR overflow box. Those ones get the best reviews and seem to work very well.

I'd pass on the canister filter. They are not necessary and can lead to high nitrates.

There are all-in-one sump setups you can buy ready-made. However they will cost you several hundreds of dollars. You can make your own setup for a fraction of that cost. Take a look at some of the threads in the DIY forum. There are a lot of ideas there.
is there a certain size I need gph for a 125g tank? what size return pump? overflow box? sump? ect. ect

I really dont care to buy one or at least an idea of a good one to search for used.....


Here are the CPR overflow boxes. You really wouldn't need a large one, even though they show what size tank they are rated for. The reason for this is you don't need a ton of flow through your sump. If you want to save money and buy a smaller overflow box and smaller pump, that's fine.

CPR CS Overflow Boxes Details

If you buy a CPR overflow box, be sure to buy this Aqualifter pump with it. This will ensure that the siphon automatically restarts in the case of a power outage.

Tom Aquatics Aqua-Lifter Dosing Pump Details

I'm sorry I'm not familiar with the Eschopps overflow boxes -- I've never used one.

As for return pumps, I have used Eheims and MagDrives for years and really like them. Buy a return pump rated for slightly more than your overflow box, but be sure to take into account head loss (websites that sell pumps usually have a table to calculate head loss). Put a ball valve on the return line after the pump so you can adjust it.
Biffs got you covered on the overflow boxes.
For the sump size,go with the biggest that you can fit inside the stand.Just like display tanks,the bigger the better.
I'm running a MagDrive 12 on my 125,and it seems to be about the perfect rate through my sump.
Most people here build their own sumps.Several of us use(including myself) use premade sumps.I could link you to hundreds of sites that sell sump systems from premade to custom ranging from $300-$3000 so a price cap might help.

You will need...
Overflow box-I recommend one that can do 1200gph or more.The Lifereef is one of the best ones
Sump-The biggest you can fit.Incorporate a refugium chamber.Your skimmer footprint will also determine how big of a sump you will need.
Misc-hoses or pvc,glue for pvc,hose clamps etc.
Return pump-one that matches or lower than the overflow.Biff explained it earlier.Personally,running 900gph through a 1200gph overflow is about perfect.

Other equipment like heaters and optional equipment will hookup to the sump as well-phosphate reactor,auto-top off systems etc.