Need help with an ID


Reefing newb
Purchased a rock with plantlife on it and it had a creatured hidden in a crevase...I had a friend tell me that it might be something called a curly cue...but he was unsure..just would like to know what it is...and is it good or bad...gracias


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It does look like a curly q to me. I never really liked them. Seem to be better suited for a species tank. They can be quite aggressive. They can also get around a foot in diameter. There is a lot info on the internet on them so do some searching so you can decide if you want to keep it.
+1 they do look neat, someone brought one in to a LFS I go to while the owner was on vacation and the kids put it in one of his 200 gal DT and it hid in the back about six months later he found out why they were all over his tank :confused:
I have 2 clowns in the tank and they seem to be avoiding it and enjoying my powerhead for some reason...I plan on getting a bubble anenome sometime in the future which i will place in the vicinity of my other powerhead...the tank is a 35 gal hex so hopefully it wont get to big...
yep you can put in the tank and they may not move for a week or a year then one day they will just go for a walk and you never know where they will end up
Ive been googling the crap out of salt water beginning in early april...but im still very green...if it is a curly cue ill hold onto it for now...if it gets out of control ill try that aspasia x stuff ive read about...hopefully it will play nice... just went to the tank and picked up the rock to move it over...and guess what...theres another curly on the bottom of the rock (kudos to my wife for noticing)...must have been hiding...i move the rock towards the back of the tank and further away from where the fish tend to hang much does their sting hurt (since i almost grabbed the damn thing!!!)...?