Need Help Setting up Tank

that check valve has saved me on alot of occasions but like brian said make sure the sump can handle the water just in case something mishaps.. after you get the sump up and running do a test run cut the power to the pump and make sure it can handle all water returning to it..

Ok will do that for sure!

So in theory the bigger the sump the safer?
The short version is that the water from the overflow enters the sump and trickles through a biological filter media like live rock or bioballs and then flows into another baffle section of the sump where your protein skimmer would set. This water then flows into another baffled section where it is pump up into the tank via your return pump.
So instead of the aquaripure system performing your biological filtration the liverock or bioballs perform this task. I do know that alot of people don't like the bioballs because they require frequent cleaning.
well you can look at it this way more water volume means more stability to your tank and the sump can hold more return water from the tank not to mention you can fit more in the sump when larger.. so its a win win no matter how you look at it ...:bounce:
yeah bio balls unless they are cleaned on a constant basis they actually hurt the tank more then help it.. they trap everything flowing through them which then turns into nitrates if not cleaned regularly..
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The short version is that the water from the overflow enters the sump and trickles through a biological filter media like live rock or bioballs and then flows into another baffle section of the sump where your protein skimmer would set. This water then flows into another baffled section where it is pump up into the tank via your return pump.
So instead of the aquaripure system performing your biological filtration the liverock or bioballs perform this task. I do know that alot of people don't like the bioballs because they require frequent cleaning.

Ok yah I read about this in my research which lead me to choose Aquaripure. I like the idea of Aquaripure and everyone that uses it says positive things about it! Also easier maintence and reasonably priced.
With a skimmer, refugium, uv light and plenty of live rock there is no need for wet/dry filter. Save the money and get a good skimmer instead, it will be much more helpful to you than a wet/dry filter.
Very true little fish! wFrom what Tango has said he is going to get a sump, protein skimmer and UV light in addition to the aquaripure so I hat i was attempting to describe was that he might decide to use live rock in his sump as an internal fuge so to speak instead of the aquaripure. IS THIS RIGHT? So he would save money for fishies by not buying the aquaripure and using the live rock instead.
Thanks for the advice guys. I know I can probably save money on the aquaripure and get a fuge, but I don't want to set up a fuge and would rather have mechanical filteration! I know it's money up front but I love that it gets rid of nitrates!
the problem with mechanical filtration is that is going to add to your nitrates unless you commit to cleaning it every 3 or 4 days. A HOB skimmer is going to work a million times better.
the problem with mechanical filtration is that is going to add to your nitrates unless you commit to cleaning it every 3 or 4 days. A HOB skimmer is going to work a million times better.

Yah I'll definately have a skimmer!

It will be skimmer then Aquaripure (cleans left over nitrates) then UV light, then back to tank!

Whatda think???
According to the website for Aquaripure, the system is designed to run without the aid of a skimmer or uv light because it is a biological filter in itself. When you add the skimmer and UV light you are removing the bacteria from the water that the aquaripure uses to function and in turn negating the effectiveness of the unit. Since you are already planning on using a sump, skimmer and uv light you should probably use additional live rock in your sump to aide in reducing nitrates. You would save the price of the aquaripure to be used later for fishies :-)