Need HELP!! Emergency!!

You guys can try solking your food in garlic extract or if you have a juicer, trow some garlic cloves in it with a bit of RO/Di water to get some juic out of it. it will take alot of cloves but i have doen it in the past.

One thing i started doing after i had ich Is solking the food in Selcon. Iv read that is good stuff to use and i use it and my fish look great.

So what is the point of the garlic? Does it have certain nutrients the fish need or is it just an appetite stimulant.
Depends on who you ask. I've read that there is a nutrient-related reason (but I don't think I've seen an actual study), and I've heard that it's just an appetite stimulant (proven useful from experience). Either way, IMHO, it doesn't matter, really, as long as it gets your fish to eat? You get them eating, it raises their chances of fighting off whatever ails them.
Garlic has not been proven to cure ich or any other parasite. It has been scientifically proven to cause heart lesions and liver lesions in marine fish. Garlic has also been proven to cause Heinz Body Anemia in some mammals (i.e. dogs, cats, horses) and some have linked the same effects to fish but I don't know if that has been proven. Some use garlic short term to entice a new fish to eat or while QTing a fish. Others use it all the time (definitely not recommended). Garlic also contains a lot of phosphates which is something you don't want in the display tank.
Well I tried the garlic thing and it did not make them want it anymore. If anything they did not like it. I bought some food that has treatment, it is made by Dr G. Either way my Orange Clown refused all food. It has been about 3 days since she has eaten. I will say though that the water treatment I have been using seems to have cleared the itch up a little bit. Both clowns look like they are less covered in it. Hopefully the Orange Clown will eat tomorrow but it is looking like I might lose her :(. Her color has returned a little but her lips are still pretty swollen and she is pretty lethargic.
Something must have happened to your tank when you were gone to strees your fish out, ither to much feeding or the person you left in charge droped something in the tank or put there hands in with out rinsing first. i Dont know but it could have ben they just missed you lol .

When i first got ich and lost fish it was the same way, i left for 4 days and left the fish in the hands of my mom and when i got back they where ok for 2 days then i seen the white spots. and then they started dying.

But now When i go i make sure i leave everythign ready for every day im gone. meeaning top off water, food for every day in difrent containers, everything i can think of.

Sorry about your loss. Losing fish or corals really sucks, both emotionally and financially.
I do this as well leave everything labeled and a schedule. My neighbor watches mine and I have given her specific written instructions.
I also use pill boxes (brand new ones) with the food that needs to be fed.
Algae sheets on clips or rocks, etc.
I just got an auto top off that we are going to put together.
Lights are on a timer.
I do a water change 48 hours before I leave and test all my parameters.
I then test right away when I get home and have emergency water on hand ready to go.
Everything has been good so far. I told her that the dogs can survive most things but the fish are the most important because they are much more sensitive.

I know I sound a little OCD and I probably am, but we simply can't afford for fish to just die. I realize they do, but not if I can help it. My 90 with sump, skimmer and dual reactor gives me peace when I leave so far the problems have only been when I am home. Hmmm?