Nano Coral Only


Reefing newb
South Dakota
I was thinking about starting a 10 gal nano tank for coral only... and maybe a couple shrimp.

For equipment all i was going to use was:

1. PC light, something like this 20" Aquarium Light Cichlid Nano Reef 36W - eBay (item 300384199437 end time Feb-04-10 21:20:41 PST)
2. a powerhead, small, something like a MJ600
3. a few pieces of live rock

It would be a pretty simple setup, but i wouldnt have any skimmer for filtration or anything... would that really be needed though? Since there wouldnt really be much waste....

Also, would it be better to keep it barebottom or have sand?

Any help on Nano tanks in general is appreciated.
I did exactly that!

I have a 10 gallon tank, with a 70 watt MH pendant for a light, and a MJ 1200 for flow. No filtration or skimmers or anything like that. I have one fish in it (a royal gramma, some snails and I put different colored ricordeas on all the live rock. My goal was to have a ricordea-only tank, and it's coming along great.

I did put less than 1 inch of sand on the bottom, but that is for aesthetic purposes. You can definitely successfully keep a nano tank without filters. I do about a 50% water change on my tank every week or two. My nitrates have never been above 0, and I feed the ricordea VERY heavily, so there is a lot of food waste in the tank.
What do you feed the ricordias? Do they like a lot of light? I have two up high in my tank, using pc lighting.