

The Tennis Pro Reefer
ok most of you know I have bad hair algae so I have been trying to cut down on my feeding. What I was doing, which was probably dumb was take a plastic container and fill it with saltwater and just dissolve pretty much mysis cubes, marine cuisine, emerald entre, some angel food, throw in a bunch of formula 1 pellets, add garlic extract, add Selcon and then mix and keep it in my fridge.

Lately I have been just using mysis because I can actually see the shrimp being eaten by my fish with little residue landing anywhere like before. Can I just feed mysis only mixed with garlic extract and selcon or do my fish really need all the other food too?
Thats pretty much exactly what I do. I just use different foods. Mysis, brine w/spirrila and mega marine. Add garlic and throw it in the fridge. Absolutly no hair algae... yet :p
im with Yote ... once a week or so i will throw in pellets ti change it up ... but mostly i feed straight mysis and seaweed sheets ... the fish eat real well and there is no left over ... if there is any left over my blood shrimp and skunk cleaners generally get it
I usally feed mysis,emerald entree,and seaweed sheets. I use to feed brine but when I stopped feeding it my algae went away. Not sure if it had anything to do with it but no more brine for me unless there the live ones.