My tank currently

see that walk to the store turned out to be cheaper..... yet less enjoyable without corals cause i am pretty sure fred meyers does not sell corals haha
Still my tank will cycle in 2-3 weeks supposed too 5-6 weeks. From what ive heard not many people have caught on to the liquid ammonia thing yet.... It still seems to be pretty new..... thats what happens when the owner of your LFS is a chemist.
I'm in no hurry since it will be a while before mine will be totally ready. to be honest with you I wish I were good to go in 5-6 weeks. but that will not be the case..... well maybe if I gwt some lights
DONE USE DAMSELS AS TEST FISH. I believe it is cruel to put a fish in a tank that doesn't have the proper parameter to keep them happy. It be like locking you in ur laundry room with no vents and a bucket. Not trying to be mean or anything but no sense in killing a living thing just to see if things are ok. I'd wait another week or two and let things run their course a little longer. Then get a small clean up crew and start building from there.
Not to contradict you or anything (but it's my style - what can I say)

but Damsels are great tank cyclers - they can live in about any condition and they are inexpensive. They are a great way to cycle your tank and get enjoyment out of it immediately.

The biggest problem with most damsels is that after you are done cycling - you are stuck with a mean, aggressive and territorial fish.

I still have nightmares about a two striped damsel named Fred I put in a tank 5 years ago.
I agree with Ad.damsels are the demons of the reefs,can live through anything without any ill effects.
I am not sure if fish have emotions and could recognize "cruel" behavior. I struggle to personify fish or any other sea-creature and assume that it is cruel to put them in a tank to cycle it. They are fish. Many in the ocean never even see the light of day as they are eaten. If we really were to look at it, no one should keep fish or corals at all, since it is not their natural habit. Yup, I am venting, but death is part of the hobby and I don't lose a bit of sleep about it. There, I said it.

-Dr Marco :sfish:
you said it doc! if you fee guilty about any part of it, you shouldn't be into the hobby, because it is definitely not their natural habitat
Doc - You actually bring out a key factor in keeping almost animal - people try to give them human emotions. This is most commonly noticeable in dogs and cats. Some (most) owners forget they are animals and seriously neglect them because of it.

For this reason - I never say I have pets - i just say I keep fish, a dog, a cat. My wife can add me to that list!
Is it not cruel when a shark takes a bite out of another fish and then just circles the pray while waiting for it to bleed to death?
What about the morray that drags a small fish from its crevice? Is that not cruel?
How about the fawn thats attacked by a coyote? Its hams eat off while its alive?
There are very few things in this world as cruel as nature.Its just a fact of life.
We do our best to give the ocean life we keep in our tanks a safe life.But is it natural?
I am not sure if fish have emotions and could recognize "cruel" behavior. I struggle to personify fish or any other sea-creature and assume that it is cruel to put them in a tank to cycle it. They are fish. Many in the ocean never even see the light of day as they are eaten. If we really were to look at it, no one should keep fish or corals at all, since it is not their natural habit. Yup, I am venting, but death is part of the hobby and I don't lose a bit of sleep about it. There, I said it.
Marco you leave me speechless, couldnt agree more.
I would look at it alittle more. I have cycled my tanks with damsels and never lost one. A friend of mine had two before I got into the hobbie and he said he could'nt kill his. He said he let his tank go stop taking care of it and that they were the only thing that would'nt die.
im curious, if damsels could live through alot, i wonder what killed my two. maybe should take a close look at it some more... hmm
well if i am correct you said that your tank had only been set up for like a week. I have never owned Damsils but i find it hard to believe that they could survive in a tank that has only been set up for a week. although i guess i could be wrong.
well if i am correct you said that your tank had only been set up for like a week. I have never owned Damsils but i find it hard to believe that they could survive in a tank that has only been set up for a week. although i guess i could be wrong.

Damsils will survive a full cycle.Thats how I started my 30.
I finally got tired of him killing every thing I added to the tank,so went fishing for him,and yes I do mean fishing with hook and line.And I wouldn't doubt for a minute that that lil demon aint still alive and finding things to kill in the septic system.