my new skimmer is here! few questions.


Reefing newb
So my new Reef Octo BH100 arrived today, Despite the pump being a little larger than expected it looks so far so good. However I do have a couple of questions and I have searched and searched but haven`t really found an answer.

So the instructions on setting it up are pretty bad, And i`ve never used a skimmer before.
I believe it is set up correctly and it is producing bubbles however there not emptying into the cup, is this typical? I know there is a break in period.

Under the cup is a blue mesh, Should I leave this in or take it out?

I believe its primed correctly and I followed instructions from on the reef centrals web site. I`m just concerned it may not be primed thats why the bubbles arn`t going high enough to reach the cup yet.

Thanks Simon.

Can you post any pictures of your setup? That will definitely help to understand better and more accurately answer your questions.
Yes, it does look like it bubbling well. There is a break in period for skimmers so that has something to do with it. How long have you had it up and running? You'll also have to adjust the air on the venturi and the level of the collection cup. They really take some time with making find adjustment to get them just right.
Well only a few hours. This is my first skimmer and the instructions were less than helpful. The cup is currently set as low as in can go. I`m not sure how or even if I can adjust the air.

But ty for your help so far, I guess i`ll let it run in a little longer and see how it works out.
looks good. give it time to break in. you don't actually want the fizzy bubbles all up in the chamber cause you will skim way too wet. ovenight or a few days the real nasty stuff will work it's way up into the chamber. I don't think the 100 has adjustable airflow.
That looks a lot like my Remora C. Keep the cup up high with that o ring thingy, you just want to have the bubbles starting to rise in the tube to the collection cup. Keep an eye on it, mine goes a little nuts once in a while and pulls out mostly water. Mine took about 3-5 days to start pulling dirty water. Now I get chunks sometimes, and tea water sometimes also. Does it have an overflow hook up on it? YOu may want to run a line from that to an empty milk jug until you get the feel for it. Plus it's new so it does need to break in. Good luck. The other good news is you can hang that on your sump in the future.....
I also have a skimmer box for that if you think it might work on yours. It goes inside the tank and covers the pump...turns it into a surface skimmer. I don't use it anymore...
I have almost the same model as that one in the pics. I removed the foam filter insert inside the skimmer and do not use it because it was too difficult to remove weekly and clean without removing the skimmer from the tank. The intake should also be completely under the water level if you have a bubble plate there.
Thanks for your encouragement guys, Eventually I want to get a sump, the pumps so big it looks like I have some sort of nuclear reactor in there. I also removed the foam piece, I'm going to try run it without it and see how it goes. The over flow i`ll hook up tonight.

Thanks again guys

So good new is the skimmer is up and working perfectly after 3 days its producing all sorts of junk.. Bad new, while trying to pull out the foam insert i dropped my phone and car keys in my fish tank.. lol dont ask.