My new baby octopus :)

Winy, If you like, I will drive down to your work and take the pics myself!!!

-Dr Marco :sfish:
yes my 850 is at my work, its at my husbands business. Which is where I work :)

let me get some good pics for you, I will try to have something by the end of the week, hows that?

I also have a new vid of the octopus eating, this one I caught him swimming through the tank, it Rocks! (he doesn't have a name yet, any idea's? our last octopus' name was Otis.) I need to get it down loaded hopefully today.
Here is an old (3 months) shot I found...This should reduce the 850 picture shakes you all are having :)

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thats an awesome tank. so the octopus is in one of the smaller tanks at the bottom in the stand im guessing