My new 65g...

Skimmer first,
That would be a great skimmer for you. Do you have room to place it in the stand and not in the sump. You will need a feed pump and I recommend a RIO as that is the one I use and it is great. I have the next bigger skimmer in this series. It is a skimming machine and for the money you will be very happy. I tried the cheaper skimmer route at first and now that I have this skimmer I have been very happy. If you get it and need help getting it running PM Capt or myself and we will help you out. I know their are others on this site running this skimmer or a similar on and they are very happy with it. Octopus skimmers for the money are great.
Skimmer first,
That would be a great skimmer for you. Do you have room to place it in the stand and not in the sump. You will need a feed pump and I recommend a RIO as that is the one I use and it is great. I have the next bigger skimmer in this series. It is a skimming machine and for the money you will be very happy. I tried the cheaper skimmer route at first and now that I have this skimmer I have been very happy. If you get it and need help getting it running PM Capt or myself and we will help you out. I know their are others on this site running this skimmer or a similar on and they are very happy with it. Octopus skimmers for the money are great.

Thank you so much for the help on the Skimmer and the light fixtures, I will definitely PM when I get the skimmer, because I will be up a wall trying to get it up and running. Also, do I need all 6 bulbs, or will 4 work? Or should I even consider going in the direction of MH's? (I'm trying to shave off some money)

Before I forget, will I be needing a UV Sterilizer? I heard they really make your tank shine.
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Good choice on the lights. Regarding the K1's, i would go with at least two k3's for water flow. K1's will probably not suffice for a 65 gal.

I'll let others give their opinion on the other products...
Lights, skimmer, and power strip are great. Like Dustin said drop down on the size of the Rio pump. You only want the feed rate to the skimmer to be about 1.5 times the volume of your tank. It wont be exact but close.
The moon lights only get it you think they are cool and you want them. You can always use your actinic bulbs for a dusk dawn effect. K-1's would work, but if you are leaning on going up to SPS corals later I would get the 2's. It sounds like a lot of flow but it isnt really. I have softies and lps and sps in my tank and I am pumping 20 x's my tank volume.
Finally, yes you are poor now and welcome to the club. Thats what this hobby does best, that and drive you crazy!!! lol.
Good luck and let us know when you order and what you end up going with. You will love the lights and skimmer you have chosen and they are good ones.
The sale on the lighting-strip expired, so they're 299$ now, not a big difference but still . My bank is taking forever to transfer my funds to my checking account from my savings, so I'm sitting here, anxious to get this 'mission' started. I've also decided to keep a 'Tank-Log' starting form the 28th for personal reference, self-occupancy, and I hope a few people would be interested in looking at it. (Again, I hope)

Aside; A word on the skimmer, what size hosing will I need for it?
Its always good to keep a tank record.
I write down everything I do to my tank,every time.That way I can look back and see whats worked in the past and what hasnt.