My new 125g FOWLR for now


Reefing newb
So I bought a 125 gallon, long a$$ tank if I do say so myself, because my little tank just isn't enough fun.

It was bought used, the original owner used it as a freshwater tank. It came with a RENA XP3 filter, a small Fluval intank filter with small ballast, a freshwater substrate that has been cleaned and mixed with a better ocean substrate, two heaters, and two 24" flourescent lights, one is a 24W T8 bulb and the other is a 20w all-glass?..

Things I've ordered new:

1 Marineland LED Double Bright Aquarium Lighting System 24"
2 Aqueon 700 Circulation Aquarium Pump
3 Aqueon 1250 Circulation Aquarium Pump
4 SeaClone Protein Skimmer SCPS 150 HOB
5 Biozyme
6 Kent Marine Purple Tech

At this stage I have checked for leaks, none thank god, and I have the heaters, RENA filter and the small Fluval filter running with treated tap water just cause they can. I know I need a sump but i'm researching designs and am confused as all hell on what/how I want to build it. There is no overflow, and it's not drilled for any plumbing.

I want to start a FOWLR to move into reef keeping later. I'm working on the water issue, I have a smaller thread on that in Water Chemistry.

I suppose I could use some advice on what imperative things I need before I put my small community from my 14g into this one. Obviously figuring out the sump issue is a priority, but what else am I missing?
Is it too late to cancel the SeaClone order? That is probably the worst quality skimmer out there. It's not going to do anything for a 125 gallon tank. You are better off getting a Reef Octopus brand skimmer. They are the best quality for that price range.

The lighting will be sufficient for a fish-only tank, but you will have to upgrade lights if you want to keep corals.

You will also need more powerheads -- for a 125 gallon tank, I'd say at least 4. Koralias are relatively low priced as far as powerheads go, and work well.

You won't need the Biozyme or the Purple Tech, so you can save some money there.

Do you know if the person ever used copper based medication in the tank? That would be a huge concern, especially if you are reusing the old substrate. If there is a trace of copper in the system, it will kill inverts. It can leach out of substrates over time as well.

To add a sump, you will have to buy an overflow box. Check out the Eschopps and LifeReef brands.
Well after investigation, I know that he used an algae killing substance that has 0.05% copper. So what to do? Do I need to empty it and clean everything? And how do I do so?

I have 100g of salt, obviously not enough for the whole tank and cant purchase anymore today...soooo. suggestions?
Oh and as far as I know, skimmer cant be cancelled, but probablly sent back for store credit. I am sure I can handle not having a skimmer for a few weeks considering I have 2 fish, 1 shrimp, and 6 snails.
Baiscally, I would take out everything that he used, Go buy new substrates, rocks, fill with new water but not after you rinse the tank out with vinegar. It is one of the best ways to get rid of trace elements you dont want.

Then just put fresh water and salt when you get it and let it cycle with the rocks and sand in it.

yea, do send the sea clone back for store credit, they royally suck!

I would also send the lights back and get something strong if you want any corals.
You will definitely have to remove the substrate and get new sand. Buy a copper test kit -- if the water you have is testing zero, then I think you are okay to still use that water. It's unlikely that the copper would have soaked into the silicone seams of the tank, but it is very likely that it's in the substrate.
Well I did an invert test. Did a 50% water change, mixed the substrate, acclimated a snail and he's pretty happy today. The medicine i found was unopened, I have hope it was not used recently and will take the snails living as a good sign. It had already been scrubbed just not with the thought of copper so I'm going to hope for the best. What lighting system will I need in place? I assumed the LED would be enough for now and later get 2 more 24" for all three top pieces. Instead, what lighting system would you suggest?
Update! Pics!

Well it's been a little over a month now and I've seen success and failure, but mostly success.

I still have the Rena XP3 Filter and the SeaClone skimmer.

I've purchased 9 total fish and lost one:
5 Damsels (1 died)
2 Clowns
1 Blue Hepatus Tang
1 Yellow Tang

I added a 1000gph circulation fan, bringing that to a total of 3 fans, 1250gph, 1000gph, & 750gph. Still have to get one more.

I def need more live rock, so dealing with that situation. And more fake plants too. But this is what I have so far!! Hope you enjoy and offer any suggestions. I am doing this on a budget, so keep that in mind. :)


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If i were you i would scrap the fake plants, and just get a ton of live rock.
IMO Plants and Ornaments are for Freshwater, not salt.
your damsel that died may not have been by anything you did they are a very aggresive fish might have been killed by one of the others.. I also would get alot more rock and get rid of the fake plants. and also would think about getting rid of the cannister filter.. but it is looking good ...:D
If i were you i would scrap the fake plants, and just get a ton of live rock.
IMO Plants and Ornaments are for Freshwater, not salt.

This is absolutely true. You never know what that stuff can leech into your water.

Also, unless you clean the canister religiously, you're going to have issues with it.