My master plan, I think?

I also agree about the achilles tang. Yes, of course you can keep them if you meet their needs. You can also keep a moorish idol if you can meet its needs. Hell, you can even keep a great white shark if you can meet its needs. The point is, it's almost always impossible to meet their needs. I think this is a fish that should be left to "experts only", or just left in the ocean in the first place. Some people get lucky with them, but 99.9999% don't.
Re: My master plan, I think? How deep is your sand bed. Just keep in mind that a bluespot needs a 4-5 inch sandbed in order to be happy
Thanks Alexander I wasn't aware of that. I do have 3-4 inches in some places. Thanks Biff, I've got to try though. In fact I've started looking into care specific to the Achilles. I'm committed in both effort and money. I'm definitely not going to just buy one and toss it in, I'm going to do the research. What is it about the Achilles that separates it from any other tang in terms of success and difficulty?
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Thanks Alexander I wasn't aware of that. I do have 3-4 inches in some places. Thanks Biff, I've got to try though. In fact I've started looking into care specific to the Achilles. I'm committed in both effort and money. I'm definitely not going to just buy one and toss it in, I'm going to do the research. What is it about the Achilles that separates it from any other tang in terms of success and difficulty?
they can be hard to get eating, most people that try them see an onset of ich within two or three days of adding them, they need a massive amount of flow, in Hawaii they can be seen riding in the waves and some of the most turbulent parts of the water, and they are very aggressive to fish that look the same
Flow seems to be the biggest problem with them, as Dustin mentioned. People have had a hard time replicating their flow requirements in tanks. Maybe they'd do fine in a public aquarium setting since they can get those big waves going, but it'd be hard to do in a home tank.

If you have a friend that has been successful keeping them, then you have a really good source to learn from. If you do end up keeping an achilles you had better post pics, because they are by far the prettiest tang out there, and a fish that I have always wanted! Back in my "noob days" I asked my LFS about them after seeing pics online, and my LFS was decent enough to tell me, "Sorry hon, you're not getting one of those for your tank." ;)
What??? I can't believe they told you that. It might have been good advice but c'mon where's the encouragement? I'm up to the challenge. My friend has 6 koralia 4's on a controller. I just got back from his store actually. I bought a coral beauty :) I would for sure post pics of my Achilles but I won't be ready for him for a while. i spoke to my landlord today and he REALLY doesn't want me to put a 180g in his house lol. I guess i'll have to buy it.