My freebies


Reef enthusiast
I got my wife to call her girlfriend about the freebies, she said that they are Green Star Polyps like I expected and the other is pulsing xenia. She said as soon as we are ready for them we can go see her.
You'll like the GSP and the xenia both.
Both are easy to keep and xenia will feed off nitrates if you have any in your water.
those will both make fine first coral additions, a good free score!

Just be careful with those two, they can be aggressive growers. They will be better off isolated from the bulk of the rock in the tank. Keep them on their own islands and dont let them spread unchecked.
Excellent corals there man. We just added an Xenia over the weekend. Looks great and love how it looks in the tank. Only complaint I have with mine is what the fragged it on. It's this giant stupid block for this small little Xenia and its just way to big and bulky. I would have prefered some LR. Hey, and like the Mik said freebies are definantly the best.
Those are great starters. Very hardy and fast growers. Like someone said I would isolate them on their onw island because they can take over a whole tank. Can't wait for some pics.
if you don't like the plug the xenia is on, just place it close enough to a powehead to make it sway one direction all the time. it will crawl off the plug in a few days. that's what I do when I want to get rid of some just to thin it out a little. except I make mine crawl onto a piece of rubble intsead of crawling off one.