My First Aquarium and DIY Skimmer

drip acclimate and then temp acclimate. Before you temp acclimate, stick a finger in their water and then in the tank water. You should notice a significant difference
You can if you can get the container to float in there. Many people put clip the bag the fish are in to the inside side of the sump that way they can temp and water conditions aclimate at the same time.
Awesome. I think what I'll do is drip acclimate them for at least 1 hour. Then float acclimate them for around 1 hour. That should do it.
I really want this to work this time. Should I feed them right after placing them in tank? Also, should I turn one or both of the fans off while they get used to the tank? I will turn the lights off as well. I read that that can stress them out too.
Personally, i would wait to feed them until the next day. And the lights off thing is more for when you add another fish and you might have some aggression issues. And by fans do you mean powerheads? I would leave them on, they wont mind the flow and it keeps more oxygen in the water for them.

If this was me, i would go to another store or wait until they get more clowns in. Clowns should be really tough, so to lose one to possible acclimation issues would make me suspect an underlying issue to start with.
I agree. The only thing is, this fish store will replace them if I return the dead fish and crab, I figured I'd give them another try. It's either that or buy another later. I understand what you are saying though and I agree.
I did mean the power head. They look like fans:)
So lights are fine then. I'll leave everything on. If this fish dies I'll know that I have some bad source. On the other hand, what chemical or something could be in the water that could kill my fish that quickly?
lots of things, but the odds of them being in your tank are quite low. Householder if you are spraying near the tank are known to cause issues, or if you had a really high level of heavy metals in your water
I cleaned the front glass with Windex, BUT I spray it on the rag and then wiped it clean. I read that Windex contains ammonia, which is why I sprayed it on the rag, NOT the glass. I am certain none got int he tank. I get a zero Ammonia reading.
The heavey metals I am not sure. Can I test that? The tap water report from the water department listed Lead at <0.003ppm and Copper at .35ppm. Most the plumbing my how is PVC so this should lower on the cooper. They show that they treat with fluoride though which has a reading of 4ppm. Harmful? That's the only metals and other things from the department that are in the water. I have been using deistilled water for the last week or so to do water changes and stuff. WOuld it hurt to do a 10 or 20 percent water change before adding them?
It wouldnt hurt, and the copper might cause you issues down the road, but that might also be low enough to not do anything. And i wouldnt clean your tank with windex, just use a cloth or some vinegar and water.

But I think you are starting to over analyze the situation now. I highly doubt a water quality issue was your problem.
Ok I have th new fish and crab acclimating. It's been going for 45 minutes. I realized that while I am doing this I am doing a small water change. :)
I have attached a picture of the new process. This time I am in NO HURRY:) I'm gonna give them another 30 minute or so. We'll see how much pours out of the container. The tempature is exactly the same in the tank and the holding container. Also, I checked the local fish stores pH and Salinty. The pH is exactly what mine is. The Salinity was 1.024 and mine is 1.021. Maybe the shock from that was what did them in. I don't know.


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The crab is now in the main tank. I added him by hand which seems alot more gentle tahn using a net. He walked over to a rock and is clinging to it. heres hoping. I am going to let the clown settle down again before adding him to the tank.
OK, what in the world is happening! I place the crab in and with in minutes, he started to curl his legs up and not move. I he then start to drift! I grabbed him out and put him back in the container where I was acclamating him from. He's barley moving and I fear he may not make it. I am not going to put the clown in there until I know whats going on. This is crazy. Any ideas anyone? The water tempature is the same in both tanks. I have a themometer in both.
I added the fish.
[ame=]My First Clown Fish - YouTube[/ame]
He started out really calm and mellow and then started to swim against the current.
This is him about 10 minutes after adding him.

Now, he's resting near the front of the glass and on the botton. Breathing but acting alot more calm than in the video. I'm watching him though.
I do now. I had them both blowing across the tank. It's funny, since I started the ripple effect on the surface, he seems to be active alittle more. He's still in the corner but at least he's moving alittle.
Adding the ripple allows for the exchange of air right?