My ever coninuing questions thread...

A clam can go 2 weeks without light.I got tired of fighting the cyano that Biff sent me,so my lights have been off since thursday and I dont plan on having them back on untill the cyano is gone.

Be carefull with that used equipment to.I would advise using a voltmeter to check that QT before using it.Stray voltage and saltwater is a shocking experince.
Alright, anyone got a sig for that? I dont have anything else for a sig.. If not I could attempt to refresh my photoshop skills (which probably wont refresh well from sophmore year in highschool) and attempt to make one...
Lol, for now I think I'm stuck in Biff's club... Once I get my chaeto I bought on ebay I'll hopefully be eligible to join your club. It sounds much better over there anyway. I ordered 4 oz of it for like 13$ shipped, i wanted to get it from somewhere close in hopes it will get here a day sooner, so i paid the extra 5$ instead of having it shipped from florida or cali
Try dosing with some Marine S.A.T. that made by TLC Marine.
Its a live bacteria that feed off the same stuff as algae,so it actually out competes the algae.
That might help,along with your chaeto.
Alright, I was just feeding my fish and admiring the royal gramma when I noticed there is something really odd with him. It appears he has something piercing his lip/cheek? Unless its just stuck to his face? But i have no idea what it is?? Its almost looks like a piece of hair about 1/2 inch long. He can eat but i'm still worried. It appears to be a hair from our black lab, which never even comes in my room where the fish tank is. But i would swear that its going through his lip, how could that happen? and what do you guys suggest to do? try to net him, which already appeared to be impossible in the rocks, or will it dissolve on its own? he can eat fine, he just did. The more I look at it the less it looks like a dog hair, it appears to be stiffer, could something have been in the rocks and got him?
Yeah I have never seen any kind of urchin in my tank, I really have no idea what it is. He doesnt seem to mind it a whole lot, he ate more than he usually does. It just looks so bad IMO... How hard is to to catch a gramma nomrally? mine is pretty skiddish and retreats to the rocks as soon as hes startled at all, and even if I could catch him would it possibly stress him more being caught and having someone pull this mystery spike out of his face?? I cant get a picture, I tried for a while, it just doesnt show up and is always too blurry to see. Hopefully he found a way to get it out while I was at school all day. He was doing a yawning motion this morning like he was trying to get it out. And my stupid LFS didnt have that marine SAT, all they had 1 a thing of 1 pouch of phosphate remover for like 20$, seemed kinda pricey to me... and the owner wasnt there, so the lady didnt know what she was talking about really.
Most likely its from a bristle worm.I'm guessing your fish tryed to eat one and got stuck.The bristles look like tiny white hairs,but are stiff like fiberglass and feels like fiberglass.
The other stuff your talking about sounds like chemi-pure.It is pretty expensive,but its supposed to do a pretty good job at removing phosphates and nitrates.
I just got home from class and its gone, he must have worked it out on his own somehow. I dunno it was pretty long to be a bristle worm bristle i think, it almost looked like a hair from our black lab, I swore it was at first just stuck to his face, then I noticed it was going through his cheek! poor guy. Its gone now though, and he seems to be acting fine. Just wish I knew what it was... No one else ever had anything like this? It was pretty long too for a bristle worm I think, all the ones Ive seen are white and at a max have bristles like 1 cm long, this was at least 5cm long.
Alright so with that crisis happening to solve its self, its time for a water change, even though my nitrates are practically nothing yet. I dont know if all this algae is eating my nitrates? Is that possible? Alright my plan with some of my water change water is to put a few gallons in my little nano tank 4 gallon I got and cleaned up nicely, it held water for the last 2 or 3 days with out any leaks and the heater and little filter worked fine. Anyone have any ideas what I could do with this tank that would be interesting and unique? No big hurry here, I can let it sit for a month no big deal, I've got my main tank to keep me happy now. If anyone has any suggestions on some micro sized saltwater fish that dont get big and cant normally be kept in a tank with other normal fish, that would be cool. Otherwise some cool little inverts that normal fish would devour because they are too small. Like the cute tiny little sexy dancer shrimp they have at foster and smith every time I go in there, but id have to check and see how big they grow. If anyone has any input please let me know, I think it would be a fun little side project I can get away with pretty cheap, like less than 5$ into all the equipment so far... here are some pics;

