My acan isn't looking so good


Reefing newb
I've had this coral for about 6 months, It's gotten huge and was recently moved into my 70gal with everything else. My lights are around 35-40%(LED's), and my acans along with every other coral have been doing awesome.

Here's a picture of them, it started yesterday when I saw one of the heads REALLY scrunched up and I thought a hermit or something was messing with it. I get home today, and now more heads look the same way.

Parameters are still the same and look good, all other acans and corals look good.
The only think I can think of is the temperature. It's usually kept around 79.5-80, and my dad recently started putting the a/c on a "mode" where it makes it hotter when no one is home. So I get home and the temp is 82..

Also, I think they're getting a bit too much flow..But I can't seem to position them to where they don't. I see its heads move and fold back a good bit

I feed it mysis every few days with the powerheads off, and recently started giving them a little bit more. I gave it 24hrs, thinking it was nothing major, but now I'm concerned. Next water change is scheduled around the 13-14th..

Parameters today were the same, forgot to put them

temp-82 but working on getting it to 79-80 right now and keeping it stable

here's a pic of how they usually look
What is your alkalinity at? My acans shrank up horribly on me when my alk fell a good month and a half ago. Even after I corrected my alk problems, my acans took weeks to recover - they are finally puffing out again.

EDIT - Ninja'd! Okay, your alk looks fine, so not that.... Could be the temp increase. I think acans are one of those corals that is exceptionally sensitive to change, and then take awhile to recover back to normal.
What is your alkalinity at? My acans shrank up horribly on me when my alk fell a good month and a half ago. Even after I corrected my alk problems, my acans took weeks to recover - they are finally puffing out again.

EDIT - Ninja'd! Okay, your alk looks fine, so not that.... Could be the temp increase. I think acans are one of those corals that is exceptionally sensitive to change, and then take awhile to recover back to normal.

Yea that's the only thing I can think of! Everything else it normal, and the other acans in my tank are looking good. These orange ones are by far my oldest, but I'm going to do a water change friday or saturday and see if I can get a way to keep the temp down as well..I want it around 79-80 again