My 55gal tank

well my tank has been in black out for almost 24 hrs now i have towels covering the front and side glass i look in the tank with a flash light wan wow cuc is hard at work i can see my rocks and while i was looking i found about 20 tiny coco worm tubes and lots of little patches of purple and bright green coralline algae:D:D. and here i thought i had fuzz mountain in my tank lol. but i cant wait to get the black out over with a towel covered tank isnt much to look at:(. but im going to keep it going till thursday bucause i have new bulbs coming.
i want to re aqua scape my tank. is this a good idea or a bad one????????????????. the reason for doing it is my nem is on the back side of my rocks and cant spread himself out and i cant see him unless im looking from the side of the tank. another reason is i used epoxy to hold them together but its not holding very well and i loose rock and dont want a busted tank. and the third reason is to give my self better places to place corals
well just got done redoing all my rocks i and tell i have better flow all around my tank but not sure if i like it or not might have to get some more lr but not sure yet. will post some pics in the morning once the tank clears back up
thanks erin im not sure if i truly like it but the it gives me better flow in the tank, i cane see my nem (and knock on wood) he has tried to move, i have more open sand, and i have more places to put corals. but now the tank looks bare on the top half lol might need to get some more rocks but i dont know have to give some time and see if it grows on me lol
well my butt head of a nem has moved to where i cant see him anymore so i did all of the moving so i could see him for nothing:mad::mad::mad: dumb nems anyhow lol. but i did get 2 new corals and an emerald crab tonight the corals are a green trumpet and a green brids nest will post some pics either tonight or tomorrow