My 20 Gallon Tank


Finally got my hands on a digital camera!
These are just a few quick pictures of my's not much yet..but it's a start.

My girlfriend bought me a second firefish goby...and I'm fortunate enough that they aren't fighting at all..and even share the same spot under a rock to hide in. Hopefully this peace will last lol.

I need more practice taking pictures..seem to be having a lot of trouble taking clear pictures of fish.

P.S. -- Could anyone tell me how to embed a video? (.mov file)


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Your clownfish are the same size...have they started to duke it out for the Alpha position out yet? Nice tank :)

My clowns are actually a noticeably different size but the camera didn't do it any justice. I bought one of them about a month ago and the second one I bought just a few days ago and it's about half an inch smaller.

What i'm surprised about and super :^: about is that they don't fight at all! They locked jaws when I first introduced the new one but 5 minutes later, the little one just follows the bigger one around all day.

Same goes for my firefish gobys! Although I'm a noob to saltwater, I understand I'm so extremely lucky!

Side note: I bought a chocolate chip starfish today, drip acclimating right now.
Also in the process of building my own DIY sump right now!

I should really be studying lol.

bored college student.
Yeah, dood, you better study because if you flunk out you won't be able to get a job to support your reefing addiction LOL!!
Yeah, dood, you better study because if you flunk out you won't be able to get a job to support your reefing addiction LOL!!

So insanely true lol.

[ame=]YouTube - 20 Gallon Long FOWLR #2[/ame]

Will take a pic of the chocolate starfish soon.
If you start adding corals watch the Chocolate Starfish they are not reef safe.

yup I understand. As of now, I plan on moving him to the fuge in the sump i'm currently building. Otherwise...I guess I'll just be starting up another tank (cus by the time I have money for a nano reef, i'll have enough for a side tank as well.)