

Reefing newb
Beasley, Tx USA
I just bought some live rock and it has a few mushrooms on them. My tank just completed a cycle a couple weeks ago and was wondering will the mushrooms live? Do I need to add any chemicals? I cycled my 75g with 20 pounds of live sand and 20 pounds of dry sand and had aprox 2o pounds of live rock. I just added all the live rock that I had purchased for a total of approx 70 pounds of live rock. By the way the mushrooms look great so far.
I just bought some live rock and it has a few mushrooms on them. My tank just completed a cycle a couple weeks ago and was wondering will the mushrooms live? Do I need to add any chemicals? I cycled my 75g with 20 pounds of live sand and 20 pounds of dry sand and had aprox 2o pounds of live rock. I just added all the live rock that I had purchased for a total of approx 70 pounds of live rock. By the way the mushrooms look great so far. Also do they multiply on there own?
If your tank has cycled they will be fine..Mushrooms are one of the most forgiving corals you can get.You do not need to add any chemicals... Yes they multiple on their own, a mushroom will move to one side leaving a little of its self behind and that will grow into a mushroom
If your tank has cycled they will be fine..Mushrooms are one of the most forgiving corals you can get.You do not need to add any chemicals... Yes they multiple on their own, a mushroom will move to one side leaving a little of its self behind and that will grow into a mushroom
Well said,,,i love my shrooms and they drop little babies all the time:mrgreen:
Your mushrooms should do just fine, as long as you have adequate lighting and your water parameters stay consistent. They are probably the easiest and most hardy corals there is to keep. Congrats on the new "free" additions.
+1 Smitty. Mushrooms are extremely hardy. They can go through a ton of bad conditions before they die, at least in my experience. I bought some existing LR off a lady that was covered with misc shrooms and zoanthids. I put it in a total blackout period for 2 months. Nothing died but the algae and the shroom/zoanthids were bleached white. They came back to full color in a few weeks after being put back in the DT.