

Team Liquid Force
Well, I can keep SPS and LPS but mushrooms seem to hate my tank. My SPS and LPS are growing like crazy but any mushroom that I add doesn't seem to "open" up. :frustrat::frustrat::frustrat:

What is the deal?:grumble:
where are you placing them? Most mushrooms do not like strong lighting or flow. If you have them in a tank with SPS corals, most likely, the light is too strong for them. Try placing them toward the bottom of the tank and even under a ledge if they are in indirect lighting I bet they will open up like a French Hooker seeing a John with a pocketfull of cash.

I've got green stripe mushrooms 6" under the surface in my tank. With T5s--ya need sunglasses to look at my tank. The mushrooms are going nuts.

I also have a purple mushroom and some green fuzzy mushrooms down under low light and they are doing well.

It depends on the shroom. Some seem to like light, and some shrivel up like Gremlins. I just experimented with my mushrooms until they found a happy spot.
too much flow will make them stay closed. mine don't like any flow at all to speak of. if they wave in the breeze the smallest amount they will not open all the way.
So - in keeping with this thread, here's a story for yins - I purchased 2 shrooms about a month ago and super-glued them both down - the maroon clown immediately objected to the first location and knocked it off (3x before I was able to convince him to leave it alone). That shroom's not as big as it was in the tank at the LFS, but adjusting and growing in size. The other shroom? Next morning it was MIA - the glue had failed (as is usually the case for me). It had drifted into the caves, nooks and crannies etc - gone forever. DAMN. Last week the thing showed up and settled into a spot that couldn't be more perfect - it too isn't as big as it was when purchased, but I assume since it PICKED THIS SPOT - it's happy? Moderate flow, about 1" from the sand bed, medium light. Did anybody know these things could move around?
I watched one of my green stripe mushrooms practically jump off a rock. In the span of about 4hrs, it moved 2"

Next day, I noticed the "baby" it left in the old spot. And then there were two.......... :mrgreen:
yeah, they do that. the ones that are the biggest in my tank are actually not in the light at all, but congregated at the back of the tank. they seem to "find" each other. I do have an orange mushroom that is HUGE and likes full light, but my green striped shrooms seem to like to hang out in the dark. They will totally float around til they are happy, increasing in size and deflating to control their movement in the water. Kinda cool

All of my mushrooms (including the one that almost blinded me) have detatched themselves and moved.

I bought a few each different colors, blue, purple, green stripe, and red. Even though I tried to put them in a spot with low light and low flow, which is pretty much anywhere in my tank, and they've all moved... repeatedly. Unfortunately, they've now all moved into the rockpile abyss, and I haven't seem them since.

The other day, I noticed that one of my hairy mushrooms (that's attached to a small piece of rock), has also relocated itself and the rock it's attached to- to the back corner of the tank. I have no idea how it got to where it is, becuase it had to move over another rock to get there. And now that one looks like it's detatching itself from it's original rock that it travelled with, to the back of a rock next to it. My other hairy mushroom is fat and happy in the middle of the tank. Go figure.

I felt a little aggivated too, when I saw pictures of other tanks with these pretty mushrooms all over the place. So I just gave up on buying them. It was easier that way.
The one that is moving with the rock sounds like you may have a gorilla crab. I battled with moving stuff all over my tank until I found that bastard and removed him.
Oh, crap. I never even thought that a crab moved it!

I just got used to these things deliberately making themselves disappear. The tought of one leaving with the rock still attached, and moving over another rock seemed almost normal.
could be a crab, but that is also normal mushroom behavior. once the settle down, they just explode all over your tank. I have dozens I never knew could fit into low light crevices. I just found two purple ones that I thought died that just showed up the other day. Not as big as my green-stripped ones mind you, but about the size of a quarter. Mine just seem to move and stop when happy

Seems that I have arrived a bit late here, but I too have a moving mushroom. I have a colony of 8 or so. I added several MJ1200's recently to get the water moving and though I tried my best to place them such that they move a lot of water but don't point directly at anything, there was one mushroom that was just getting blasted. It was my biggest mushroom. at first it seemed un-phased. After about an hour I walked back by the tank and noticed that it was hanging by a thread from the rock and was "flapping" in the current. I stuck around a bit to see what would happen. It finally let go and sailed with the current into a partial cave where it gets almost zero light and I assumed it would shrivel and die. Just yesterday I noticed it "popping" out of the cave entrance now even bigger than it was the last time I saw it. apparentley it is happy in it's new dark home. The others are all still where they started and are directly under the t5's and are also growing. I have had two new ones pop up in the colony within the last 3 weeks.