
I have some mushrooms..and i took them out of my tank and cut them in 4 slice...and put them in a small cup with small ? Is how long will they tank to they need alot of water flow alot of light...????
Did you make sure the cut included some of the mouth?

I am not sure what time you are looking at when you manually separate them, but the photo below shows the base of one of my mushrooms that separated today. The grey section is the new mushroom. This will probably take around 2-3 weeks to look like a mushroom.

I'm not sure how happy your cultivated pieces will be in a cup where they won't receive proper light or food from the water. Maybe someone else can answer that.



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It usually takes a couple weeks to heal. They don't need a lot of light or flow, but sometimes it works better to get a piece of mesh fabric and rubberband it across the top of their container, so they can get light and flow, but can't float away.