

Reefing newb
hi to all..
I am very worry about my mushroom 'S since i put the new light they are not good i went from 220 w to 430w :shock: and look like they don't like the light i move them to the very bottom of the tank but no change at all they are not opening or eating you think sooner o later they will adjust to the new light's or not???!!!
please help my mushroom's

hi to all..
I am very worry about my mushroom 'S since i put the new light they are not good i went from 220 w to 430w :shock: and look like they don't like the light i move them to the very bottom of the tank but no change at all they are not opening or eating you think sooner o later they will adjust to the new light's or not???!!!


  • before.jpg
    52.3 KB · Views: 232
  • after.jpg
    82.9 KB · Views: 246
Re: please help my mushroom's

In the first picture, they were straining for light. So they increase their surface area so that they can absorb the most light possible. Now you have better lights, so they don't need to stretch out as much. They still look healthy. And you don't have anywhere near too much light for them, so I think they will look fine.
It will take a while for the shrooms to adjust. Corals need to be acclimated to light also. Most times when a big lighting change happens you should put some window screen material in several layers and then remove one layer every 5 days till they are all gone.
Re: please help my mushroom's

i just remove 2 light for see if help i will place one light back in 2 days and the other one in 4 day maybe was to much light in one's and they need to adjust or is wrong what i did??
and i need to put all the light back!!??
i just remove 2 light and i was thinking ro put one back in few day and the other one in a week ...
but your idea i think is better