More time for Cycling?


Reefing newb
Its been about a month and a week since my tank has been set up. Last sunday i saw my nitrates were some where between 5-10 ppm. I ordered my clean up crew and some chaeto and they are all doing great. I am starting to scrap coralline algae off the bottom edge of the glass and its spreading on to the base rocks. As of last night and this morning my nitrate levels are zero:frustrat:... Should i keep waiting? I least want to go get a couple peppirment shrimp because i got a lot of aptasia.

Did it just go through a mini cycle and i should be expecting a full blown cycle in this coming month?

29 gallon biocube
7 lbs live rock
21 lbs base rock
Are the Ammonia and Nitrites detectable? What are their readings? If ammonia and Nitrite are at 0...You're ready to go.

P.S.- It's very hard to resist purchasing a tank full of fish...Only place 1 fish in at a time...give about 3-4 weeks before adding additional fish.
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Are the Ammonia and Nitrites detectable? What are their readings? If ammonia and Nitrite are at 0...You're ready to go.

P.S.- It's very hard to resist purchasing a tank full of fish...Only place 1 fish in at a time...give about 3-4 weeks before adding additional fish.

You can also use Aptaisia X if you don't want to buy the shrimp as well.
He said he wanted peppermint shrimp because of the aptasia he has.

Oh. I didn't see the Aiptasia part. Yeah, Aiptasia X is going to work better for you than Peppermint Shrimp. Some shrimp eat it, some shrimp don't...It's a crapshoot.

Aiptasia X is the way to go...and don't dilly can spread quickly.
New Additions

Got the aiptasia x and NEW ADDITIONS...
2 occelraius clownfish... got 2 for $20 at my lfs... i like sales:D
Like i said before, i like sales... got two lps for $15


The Xenia looks great situated on the rock like that! Make a Xenia forest :P

Sound like some decent prices for your additions. Congrats bud!
Tried to feed clowns some mysis shrimp and they ate some.. Also tried to spotfeed the Duncan. I think he ate it? Kinda curled up with the shrimp on him and it was gone when he opened up. Just a few hours in the tank and everything seems great!!!
I love of my personal favorites...feed him consistently and he'll get big and multiply pretty quickly.