Mega Powerful Nitrate and Phosphate Remover - DIY!

The trick of skimmer popularity

In my reading of what is going on lately with the discussions of skimmer vs. skimmerless tanks, I'm seeing the same fallacy repeated over and over and over, usually by the most experienced reefers who have been around the longest: "Because everyone uses skimmers, a skimmer must be required or else they wouldn't use one." Or, "Every Tank-Of-The-Month has a skimmer, therefore a skimmer is required to give you the best chance of a TOTM."

It's all completely irrelevant. I can't believe how many people fall for this line of reasoning. This trick is taught in Debate class in high school; It's called "Appeal to Poplulariy", otherwise known at Argumentum ad populum...

Argumentum ad populum - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

On a side note, realize that many people are paid to promote skimmers. Millions of dollars are put into the marketing and promotion of skimmers, and some of that money goes into the pockets of the people who are posting reasons to have skimmers. Also, there must be a hundred companies who make skimmers, and all of them have promotion budgets. The job of promotion is to "get the word out". How many Algae Scrubber companies have promotion budgets? Zero, because there are no companies. Scrubbers are DIY. This is why the "popular thinking" is to use a skimmer... because skimmers are all anyone reads about. Promotion is my day job, and this is exactly how it works.

Whether or not it's a marketing ploy or manufacturers are overexagerating a skimmers usefulness doesn't change the fact that they DO work. Yes, there are alternatives, few are plug and play like skimmers are. Algae Scrubbers might work, but for people like me it's just not practical.
The rubber socket was more or less only a method of retaining the bulb. It still will be siliconed for sealing.I can't imagine anything else would prevent salt and water from creeping in for sure. Not at least to my satisfaction.

As for the speaker wire concern. It is high grade 12gauge silicone jacket wire. I had a bit of it left from installing large car stereo systems. The insulation is thick and silicone. I feel very comfortable using it. I would hesitate to use regular speaker wire and I understand the concern.

All these pictures are mock ups so far. I'm still fiddling with the particulars.
Whether or not it's a marketing ploy or manufacturers are overexagerating a skimmers usefulness doesn't change the fact that they DO work.

Think about it: You have a skimmer, which does not remove nitrate or phosphate. So you also buy and install other devices to remove nitrate and phosphate. A scrubber removes both nitrate and phosphate from the beginning, and does not remove food. So you have to compare all of your filters/devices, to a single scrubber.
Ive looked all over this forum and Im sure i still over looked this but where do i go and buy the plastic filter screen that needs to be roughed up with a hole saw. When I get ready to build my alge scrubber i want to have every thing I need setting in front of me. Can you help me santamonica? Thank you.
OK, need some advice and direction. I have a 5 inch wide plastic cloth with 135 GPH pump and I am growing a brownish green slim. In my sump I have a large outbreak of green hair algae. Is this normal or do I have a problem that needs correction?

I think you're supposed to clean the slime off when it happens, like every 3 or 4 days. Also, is your sump getting light from the scrubber? I wonder if it's just growing there because of good lighting.
Ok, thanks. I have 2 lights on it, a 2300K on one side and a 6700K on the other both are about 23 watts. Should I cover the sump with tinted or dark plastic? I will clean one side of he plastic tonight like SantaMonica suggests.
I would try and cover your scrubber if possible, lots of people make theirs in a closed system. Have you seen SM's scrubber? There isn't very much light leakage to anywhere.
Mine's encased in a toolbox :)
I saw that. Thanks. Due to very limitted space I put it in my sump. What i may have to do is build a box and put it next to my stand. It will have to look like furniture if I do it this way. My wife hates the clutter around the tank. OR... I build a stand for my 55 I have in the basement and move it upstairs... HMMMMM.... Now that is a thought....
[ame=] New 225 White LED Aquarium Grow Light Panel Hydropronic Lamp: Kitchen & Dining[/ame]
Just ordered this light off of amazon for my new scrubber that I am building. The light tempurature is between 6000-7000k. A standard CFL flood bulb wont fit.

It is going to be lighted only on one side since my overflow will feed one end of a shallow 11x14 x2.5 storage bin that I installed 2 1 inch drains into. It will drain into my sump.

I just dont have any room for a 5 gallon bucket in my stand and know the Mrs wouldnt wand one next to the tank:mrgreen:

Once it arrives, and I get it finished being built, I will post some pics
aight I finished my scrubber I don't have a reflector behind the bulb. My biggest issue was using my HOB as an overflow box. I must have vastly underestimated how much syphon hose I'd need from the main tank to the hob box. I have a 3/4 overflow tube and I need like Three 3/4 hoses do syphon from the main tank to the HOB to keep up. Maybe I'm just missing something. Eitherway to prime the 3/4 syphon hoses from the main tank I just put the hose end up to the power head and it will prime the hose:)

Here is at least one picture. Made from a cheap walmart tote. its 17"x10"(to water level). 4 23watt CFLs and its hooked up to a 900gph Rio pump. It kinda lights up like a jack-o-lantern but its covered and isn't annoying. Bulbs are about 2.5" from the screen. The screen is doubled up too.

Nitrates 30


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