
killing Ich is a time consuming issue. It is a huge pain in the ass. Having a UV steralizer will keep outbreaks from happening. It is your best bet to keep things healthy in your tank as far as not having parasites.

To really get rid of it, you have to treat your fish with hyposalinity - which is keeping your fish in a salinity of 1.018-.019. over a period of 6 weeks to make sure the eggs and adult parasites are really dead. You would need to remove the fish from your tank and place them in a QT tank with a much lower salinity - .019 and leave alone your display tank for 6 weeks. that will insure all the nasty eggs are dead in your display tank as well (don't drop the display tank salinity). after 6 weeks of hyposalinity in your QT tank, return your now healthy fish to your display tank. Of course, if you introduce a new fish who has larvae on it you will have to do it all over again. Hence the importance of QT before putting fish in your display tank.

The other way is to cross your fingers and hope that by having a UV on your display tank that your fish can avoid getting infected after the first batch of Ich is dead and that larvae don't attach themselves to your fish. My fish had gotten it once and then never again. Some have survived, others not. Up to the healthy of the animal. Nasty stuff. Get a UV on your tank.

-Dr Marco :sfish:
i want to get a uv but it will have to be for the 125.aquatraders has good uvs.and if i put a 125 gal.uv on a 30 is that ok
it is overkill. For a 125, and 18watt UV is good. a 9 watt is sifficient for 55gallons or smaller.

-Dr Marco :sfish:
im not to worried if they die because they wre only35dollars for both of them ithink the reason they have ich is becausemy clown always was real mean to my firefish and i have a ten gal qt tank but when i briught it hime i accicentilly hit it off the door handle and it craked so i have to put silicone on itso i can take the clown out
HiBye, I noticed that your fish keep getting sick. You should wait a while before adding any new fish, because you keep getting new fish as soon as your old fish die, and then the new fish get sick too.
no i havent een getinng new fish i had 2 fires a clown and the one fire died for no reason noe=w i started to notice that they have ich
On top of the UV sterilizer, (ozone is also good) I would feed garlic and vitamins daily, this will help to boost your fishes immune system. So if something stresses them out and they catch something it will help them to fight off diseases better.

Don't waste your money on the Reef safe ich cures out there, they will not kill the ich in your tank. QT is very important.
Biff makes a great point. I remember when I first started I would go through fish so fast, the fish store about ran out. Give your tank about 3 weeks to run through a cycle and get rid of whatever is going on, let the parameters settle and then start again. It happens, be patient.

-Dr Marco :sfish: