me again sheesh im buggin you guys!!!!!


No clue about reefs
srry i bug alot but i know nothing about this stuff.

my 2 clown fishes are always together, but sometimes they twitch real fast or something and it only happens when they r together.... are they going to die?!?!?!?!
No, they are interacting with each other. They will twitch or flutter their tails at each other to establish dominance. They're just having a conversation in fish language.
a lot of people have asked this question so I am sure its a natural thing. My clowns are always together but I have never noticed them do any crazy twitching like people mention.
Like Biff said, its about dominance. Its their way of telling each other which one is the boss (female, larger) and which one is the submissive one (male, smaller).
Definately about dominance........... Mine always did it, and I thought nothing of it, cause they'd have their good times and bad times..... But they decided someone had to go- one got chased right out of the tank, so you may want to keep an eye on em. Especially if you see that one chases the other