Matted File fish or File fish in general


Reefing newb
My one buddy has a matted file fish it ate all of his aptasia in around a week , i asked a LFS and was told they dont like aptasia and other types of file fish do , does anyone have a file fish that eats it or has had an exspeirence one eating the aptasia.I have tried everything and they come back , even pepperment shrimp but my flamehawk loves to eat them before they eat the aptasia lol.
If you dont have alot of aptasia's just grab yourself a bottle of aptasia x and your problems will be solved ..... and you wont have to starve a fish in the process:Cheers:
aptasia X is just a temp fix tried it only went away for a few weeks, i even used calk on them and they still came back which was very surprising
aptasia X is just a temp fix tried it only went away for a few weeks, i even used calk on them and they still came back which was very surprising
It isn't that it's a temporary fix, you have to get all of them with the Aiptasia X. If you miss even one then they'll start reproducing and coming back
I recently got a matted filefish and I can't believe my eyes! It's been in my tank for just about a month now and 500 aptaisia have turned into two. He eats mysis, pellets and unfortunately zoas. No major damage yet but I don't mind some friendly fire in the tank because it sure saves me a lot of time and headaches otherwise. I'll post some updates.