Marine SAT Question


Reef enthusiast
From what I've been reading it says it gets rid of hair algae. Which I don't want to do because my tangs and fox eats it. Is this the stuff you all use to get rid of red algae? Also what can I use to get rid of flatworms my six line wrasse doesn't seem to be eating them. I suction them out when I do the red algae. Do they eventually go away or will they keep multiplying?
There's a product called Flatworm Exit that's supposedly reef safe. They won't go away on their own. If you use Flatworm Exit, suction out as many as possible beforehand. You don't want a bunch of dead bodies in your tank.

I don't know if Marine SAT will get rid of cyano, but it worked wonders for hair algae in my tank. I need to order some more.
The SAT works the same on cyano as it does on hair algae.Its good stuff.
If you go the flat worm exit route,do like Biff said and siphon out all of em you can find.When they die they release toxins which can poison you whole tank.
A natural way to get rid of flat worms is to cut back on feedings.Then tend to reproduce more when theres more nutrients available for them to feed on.
My LFS doen't carry it. I always look for it ant time I go in a fish store. I guess I'll go ahead and order it. Not sure if I'll use it once I do. I just hate adding stuff to my tank.