Mandarin goby..possibly.

The female has a rounded dorsal fin and the male has one that is shaped... a little like a cat claw...
ah here:
Mandarin female

Mandarin male

Ok, maybe not like a cat claw.

Good to hear he has moved in and is fitting in so well. You're my hero for saving him from the clown bullies!
Thank you. Im sure you already know Brittany, but i find patience is huge when feeding this little guy. Turn off all my flow and shoot frozen food in front of him on the sand bed. They are verrrrrry slow eaters. He will leisurely pick them up one at a time. So far he has eaten everything ive offered him, i got lucky on this one. I find feeding him in the same place every time away from the other fish helps too. He has his own little feeding ground.
I have a tiny pair of these and have worried about them eating enough since day one. I try and put ina new live rock every week so there are enough new copeods and I feed defrosted rotifers and such as well. You can imagine my excitement when my male started eating blood worms and brine shrimp that I was feeding the anenomes and clowns. In my new set up I am thinking I could make a special area that they will like what can be their 'dinning room'...