LR & Salinity

Haha I'll take all the advice I can get, thanks for all the help! If you have anything to add, I'll gladly listen! For now, I guess I'll let my tank keep cycling through and start making up a new plan...
It'll just have to be cleaned a lot, like every other day? Sounds like a pain to me and eventually annoying.
It's not really necessary with the live rock and water changes...make sure you don't slack on those water changes, stuff can go bad quick in a little tank..
I'll use a real camera when there's actually something interesting to see lol


I'm still using the canister filter (and cleaning it regularly lol) and it has a rating of 79 GPH. Would that be acceptable for water circulation in a 9 gallon?
Oh geez, hopefully someone else is knowledgeable on that...I'm not sure on just a canister filter for flow. Must likely that is perfectly long as you've got flow you're good.
You still cycling??
I would not use an airstone. Those bubbles are not beneficial to saltwater tanks and can cause problems. You need the surface of the water rippling a bit for good gas exchange, most of us achieve that with powerheads or a skimmer. Try doing a search on here for airstone....
I'm a little split right now...

I did a quick search for air stones, and the majority of problems people have cited are basically just salt creep getting on equipment and the air stone getting clogged. For me, those two problems aren't really problems...

I also found a couple articles and posts on the internet where they say the bubbles are bad for livestock, but there's always someone there to argue against it.
Sarah's right about the airstone. The tiny micro-bubbles can stick to the gill rakers inside the fishes gills.Effectively starving the fish of oxygen.

Thats a great looking tank.
Damn... I guess better safe than sorry. I turned it off, thanks Sarah and yote for convincing me it's bad lol. I was reading and reading and I asked the LFS guys but I never came to a conclusive...conclusion.