LR & Salinity


Reefing newb
Long time reader, first time poster.

So I finally decided to start a saltwater tank the other day, but I didn't have a hydrometer and the ones at the local stores weren't to my liking. Instead, I went ahead and ordered one online, while proceeding with setting up my tank.

The hydrometer arrived today, and I learned that the water salinity was only around 1.01. I already had some live rock in there, and I was wondering if this had any negative effects on it? The live rock has been in there for about a week now like that.


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Hi and welcome. :regular_w

If all you had in your tank was live rock, you are most likely ok. Just start bringing the salt level up.

Hydrometers typically are not very accurate.
Look for a Refractometer instead. There's usually good deals on ebay.
I have a 4 year old plastic hydrometer that is accurate abnd matches the readings form my refractometer. My other brand new plastic hydrometer is always way off. Hydrometers can be hit or miss.
Thanks for all the help! It helps to put my mind at ease knowing the LR is okay..

I've been using a glass hydrometer ([ame=""]this[/ame]) and it reads 1.000 in water so hopefully it's not too bad... but if I come across a good deal on a refractometer I'll definitely pick it up.

And since I already have all of you here, how does everyone feel about ordering fish online? I've been planning on picking up a dwarf lionfish but the LFS hasn't had them in stock for a couple weeks now. It's been a long wait... I think I'm about to crack haha.
Hello and welcome.

2 things, well 3 actually.
1) don't skimp on your equipment, especially anything to do with testing and or reading your water parameters.
2) Dwarf Lion fish are aggressive, so be aware that you are limited to aggressive fish in your tank.
3) Have patience, and plenty of it.

Good luck, and keep posting.
Good advice, I'll try to stick to it but I'd be lying if I said time/money was not an issue...

I kinda started a saltwater tank on a whim after years and years of wanting one. A family member had given me a tank awhile ago, and I just recently decided to modify/upgrade it and put it to use. I was browsing the saltwater section of the LFS and the dwarf lionfish caught my attention.

For now, I don't really have that big of a tank so I'm restricting myself to one fish (either dwarf lion or snowflake eel). I've been reading a couple of other websites here and there, and I think I've gotten the gist of maintaining a saltwater aquarium but like they say, some things are easier said than done.
You can get a refractometer for $20 on ebay, and the calibration fluid is only $3. Hydrometers can go bad in about 6 months, so after a year the refractometer will pay for itself.
My current salt water set up is in a separate 10 gallon biorb (don't think my freshwater fish will like it if I convert their home to saltwater with them still in it). I know it's kind of small but I have an incoming 50 gallon tank that will probably replace the biorb depending on how it goes but i'm not sure yet.

And is there a specific brand you'd recommend for the refractometer?
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Please, please do not put a dwarf lionfish in that 10 gallon biorb. The biorb is rough, there is no gas exchange as the lid is solid, there is hardly any surface area since it is round....the lion needs a much bigger tank.
Actually its a BiUbe, or whatever they're called. Its their cylinder version and I've replaced the filter for a canister filter but I'm still using an air pump for the bttom. Do you still have the same recommendation?
Yes, I'm sorry. The dwarf lion needs a much bigger tank, like 40-60 gallons. A canister filter should not really be used for saltwater, it can cause a nitrate problem, especially on a tiny tank. I love the biorb collections for their unique shapes but they really limit you on what you can keep.
Now, you may be able to get away with a false perc/occ. clownfish and a shrimp and a goby in there, lots of fun combos if you want to look up gobys and shrimps. Check out and look at the "nano" fish.
Damn, I didn't think to look up the pro's and con's of a canister filter in saltwater tanks...

I was planning on changing it to a clownfish tank after putting the dwarf lion in the 50 gal... but I guess maybe I should actually start with clownfish? I'm guessing its too small for a snowflake eel too...
I know, doesn't it stink once you start to research :) I did the same thing, set up a 14 gallon cause I wanted a box fish and a puffer fish and a tang and then....realized I couldn't have any of them! But, you live and you learn and you get a clownfish. Which are more fun anyhow.
Yes, I don't think the eel would be happy in there, needs a bigger tank, hiding spots, etc.
The little clowns (false perc/occ, can't spell it) are nice and hardy and very active and easy to care for. You'll like having one to watch. I love the look of the biube....
keep us posted on your progress and post some pics! Everyone will be happy to help you along the way
In regard to your canister filter; Your liverock will act as your filtration so you won't need the canister filter. And with the 10 gallon and 1 or 2 fish you'll do a water change once a week of about a gallon. That should keep your levels good. Make sure you pick up an API liquid test kit, with smaller tanks you need to test more frequently as things can get out of whack quicker than with a large tank and with more dire results.
Ok, I'm done now. I'm sooo a "and another thing" kind of gal.
You may be dissapointed about being limited to fish like clowns, but in the beginning its probably for the best. I have quite a few tangs, and an angel myself - but the crazy antics of the clowns never get boring. There are also some crazy clown patterns out there, like the Black Ocellaris and several other 'designer' patterns. Keep those for a while, research what you really want, and plan an upgrade at some point that gets you where you want to go :)

Oh, and welcome to the site