Lots to identify


Reefing newb
So I'm working on my first tank and am learning to identify things but since I dont know for certain I'd like a second opinion on the items I've picked up.

I bought the following peice of live rock with all of the coral on it. The guy at the LFS said they were selling the rock with the coral because they were over stocked. So if you see anything on it that my novice eyes missed which I should be concerned with please mention it.

As best I can tell the coral on the right is a ricordeidae (darn book only give scientific names) or maybe a form of discosomatidae

The Purple ones are mushrooms of some sort but my book either doesnt have mushrooms or I cant identify them from their pictures. I dont know the scientific names.

On review I think the scientific name for the mushrooms is discosomatidae isnt it...
It also looks like there might be some yellow sponge by the red algae??

Thank you guys for your help with all of this.


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Those are purple mushrooms (discosoma), and I don't think that's a yuma ricordea; but I do think it's a frilly/hairy mushroom (rhodactis).