Losing Cardinals

Is it possible, it could be an alien abduction? Just a thought!:mrgreen:

Seriously, they have to be somewhere, or at least their little bodies. They just shouldn't disappear completely! Yote may be right.
Nah, if you have even a basic cleaner crew, there won't be bodies. That's what the cleaner crew is for. I'm still of the mindset that it was adding too many fish to a new tank all at once vs. predator. If it was a predator, some of the cycling damsels probably wouldn't have made it. And if it was a predator, I don't think it'd be eating so many fish all at once (five cardinals within a couple days? Even that's too much for a mantis).
I think biff is right. BTW, as for the clowns, they can be aggressive towards fish that are smaller than them so you may choose to add the clowns last, after you have added any other livestock you planned on. Also, I know that it is tough waiting to stock your new tank, but be patient. The end result will be much more rewarding if you take your time and practice patience.
Justin- I can't believe you have joined that "Crabs Are Evil Society." How do you think that makes Desmond the Hermit feel. Shame on you!
I had 5 damsels for three weeks....everything was fine.

I took them out and added the Cardinals. I have lost 4. The only thing that I added was a blenny. Nothing else has been changed. What could have gotten into the tank that I can't see?
I had 5 damsels for three weeks....everything was fine.

I took them out and added the Cardinals. I have lost 4. The only thing that I added was a blenny. Nothing else has been changed. What could have gotten into the tank that I can't see?
A bunch of nastyness from it being overstocked is what. It is most likely just too young of a tank for you to add all of the fish that you did. The good news is that you know that the one that is still alive is tough! If you really think you have a predator, you could build a simple trap. Cut the top off of a soda bottle and turn it inside out. Glue it back into the rest of the bottle. Poke a small hole in the bottle to release air as it submerges. Place some food inside and put it in your tank. Place to opening as close to the LR as possible and go to bed. More than likely you will wake to find nothing, but if there is a predator in the tank, after a few nights of this he will end up in the trap.
I dont know about that Justin.
I chased one mantis for close to 3 months,and I KNEW he was in there.I kept a couple of different traps in the tank,used a baited net,tryed pulling rocks,I tryed everything EXCEPT dynimite,and that was next on my list.
A mantis will stockpile food.They'll kill when they get a chance,then hide the meal under a rock to feed on later.At least the ones I've delt with will.
The last two that I lost are the only ones that can't be found yet. The other ones that died I found on the sandy bottom of the tank. No other animals trying to eat at them. The only "cleaner crew" that I have are a couple of turbo snails and a handful of TINY snails.

When I caught the damsels I had to move almost my whole rockscape around to get all of them out. I didn't see anything unusual in the process. :frustrat:
I dont know about that Justin.
I chased one mantis for close to 3 months,and I KNEW he was in there.I kept a couple of different traps in the tank,used a baited net,tryed pulling rocks,I tryed everything EXCEPT dynimite,and that was next on my list.
A mantis will stockpile food.They'll kill when they get a chance,then hide the meal under a rock to feed on later.At least the ones I've delt with will.
As I was typing that, I knew you were going to have more to add. :mrgreen: I think it's fair to say that if it's a mantis that my rules don't apply, but if it is a mantis there is the tell-tale clicking from the tank to give it away. Either way they cannot hide!
The clicking comes from the smashers type mantis.But theres another less common mantis that uses a spear to catch its pray.Those usually bury themselves in the sand and wait for a fish to swim overhead before they do their dirtywork.
The clicking comes from the smashers type mantis.But theres another less common mantis that uses a spear to catch its pray.Those usually bury themselves in the sand and wait for a fish to swim overhead before they do their dirtywork.

Nice signature line, Yote.:Cheers:
You got me there Yote! I want to say it first: if this is turning into Crab warfare, I don't want to be against you Yote. I will treat crabs ethically, but I will always know in my heart that they are evil!