looking for the new skimmer


Reefing newb
Im in the process of looking for a new skimmer. I have had great success with my Coralife SuperSkimmers. But i would like to try others. It will be for a 29G that will just be FOWLR. Please help out. Thanks :frustrat:
i guess iff your coralife is working fine you wont need to try others...they will do the same..perhaps ive heard those coralife kik ass...but it doesnt hurt to try new ones ..iknow that feeling..go to www.liveaquaria.com..there youll see some cool ones..good luck.
If the skimmer works for you and you are pleased stay with what works for your system. Of course if you want to try different you can, but, there is always a risk of the new skimmer/different skimmer not meeting your expectations. So before I changed I would have a reason for changing and buy a slimmer that will meet the items of concern. good luck. cant help here with any gaurantees. keep us posted.