Living Reefs Business Sponsors


Reefing newb
We have some exciting news :bounce:

Living Reefs has a new forum category called Sponsor Offers, which is a place for any commercial classifieds to be posted. As haven't allowed any business members to post in the user classifieds section, this creates a new category for stores to post great deals in. To post in the commercial section, you'll need to become a Living Reefs business sponsor (you can read more about how to become one here).

We should be able to attract some sponsors that can post great deals for Living Reefs members, and at the same time fund the growth of the site and new features :D.
This is great news Ian! Thanks for your continued effort in keeping LR #1. I truly appreciate all you do and the wonderful forum you have created here!
Ian this is probably the best thing you have done for this site since the upgrade. Maybe even including the upgrade *two thumbs up*