Live rock Conundrum(sp?)

Ended up picking up a sea hare tonight to help combat this terror, then when its gone, he will be passed on to someone in the reff club that needs him.
aslong as my tank is hair algae free i'm fine with poop. Well funny thing is that the last 2 Octo Hob skimmers i order came in broken in pieces. So i had my LFS ordered it for me but won't be here for 2 weeks. Besides water changes do they nitrate media for canisters actually work or no?
I've never tryed the nitrate media.But like anything else,its going to take time.I think water changes would do just as good at getting rid of em.
The nitrate media works, but it will take several months before you start to see a difference. They are definitely not quick fixes (in the past I have tried both the Kent Marine and SeaChem brands). They are not meant to bring down high nitrates since they work so slowly. They are meant more as a maintenance thing.
Weather or not thats normal depends a lot on how much water your changing,the bio-load,how much and how often your feeding.
Once you got nitrates over 10ppm,then its going to take a lot of time and work to get them on down.But it can be done.
With nitrates at 40,then a 15% water change is only going to drop them to 34.Most test kits wont pick up that small of difference.
I'd go 25% once a week untill they came down.
Something else that I've found that will actually help.Brightwell Aquatics Bio-Reef Fuel.Its basically a carbon source (like vodka).Something about it binds the nitrates and phosphates then the filters feeders can use it for for food.
I'm using it myself,so I feel safe in recommending it.And it'll actually work to bring the nitrates down along with the water changes.