

Reefing newb
i was looking at these lights, and i was wondering if you guyscould help me out. do you think these will do for a 65g hex that is 26" deep i dont know much about MH

The PowerPaq 10,000K HQI metal halide will make your corals thrive with stunning intensity and awesome color rendition. Packed with lumens, the 10,000K provides the natural shimmering effect found on coral reefs. Coupled with a highly efficient electronic driving system and SunPaq Dual Actinic lamps, the SunDial HQI produces more lumens per watt than any comparable lamp or fixture. SunDial 150w HQI is the first all-in-one integrated pendant light to include an internal electronic driving system coupled with built-in electronic timers. The result is a fixture that simply plugs in (with one cord!) and runs on its own. 24-Hour timers are easy to program, feature clear protective covers and have a minimum on/off setting of 15 minutes. SunDial 250w HQI utilizes a remote fan cooled ballast and includes two external timers.
ditto is not slang

Main Entry: 1dit·to Pronunciation: \ˈdi-(ˌ)tō\ Function: noun Inflected Form(s): plural dittos Etymology: Italian ditto, detto, past participle of dire to say, from Latin dicere — more at diction Date: circa 1639 1 : a thing mentioned previously or above —used to avoid repeating a word —often symbolized by inverted commas or apostrophes