Reefing newb
My 45 gallon tank is doing great, staying stable and my stock is thriving. The 6 bulb t5 will be fine for what I want to do, but I'm planning a 70-75 gallon build. My first conflict comes at lighting fixtures. I've heard differing opinions on LEDs and halides. I found a nice aquatic life 2x150 watt 36" combo fixture, but I'm worried about it heating up the room, I don't mind a chiller for the tank but I don't wanna have it run me out of the room when I'm watching tv or playing a game because of either noise or heat. I like the ecotech radon fixtures but I would to probably get two for the tank I want. Ive also heard you have to have a pc to program them and i run mac. I could keep the led fixture secured underneath the hood that comes a the tank too, but not the halide fixture. I don't think suspending a fixture is a good fit for my situation. Am I on the right track here? I've also looked at maxxspect razr systems, it's hard to cut through all the marketing bs, so I figured I'd come here for some advice with people w hopefully first hand experience.