lighting help


Salty Dog
75 gal. Tank I need opinions on whether a 6 bulb t5 fixture can sustain corals. Or should I just go with the metal hallide. :question:
Are the 6 bulb lights on ebay any good. I ordered a rodi 5 plus from bulk reef today. All components are here and ready to go. Light is last item to order.
+1 lil, the reason for the price being higher, is individual reflectors, higher quality, and the bulbs are good. with the cheap ebay lights they bulbs deteriorate faster
Ok tell me a unit to have on my 75 g. Cash is burning a hole in my pocket. Can Leds penetrate that much water. I don't intend to spend a fortune on them thou.
I still don't feel safe recommending LED's. There are a lot of crappy systems out there. Even some that you can pay up the bum for and still end up with non-sufficient color spectrum to make your corals really happy. Some people even bleach their corals out using them.
Even though they are getting better and better the market HASN'T stabled out yet and people buying LEDs could find themselves with outdated technology fairly quick.

I would reccomend a 2x250w MH (possibly with 2 actinic t5's) or like you said a 6-8 bulb T-5 fixture.

The cheaper fixtures like you would find at are going to have crappy bulbs. Plan on replacing the bulbs within a pretty short time-frame(3-6 months) for your more demanding corals, and to avoid bad algae growth due to bulbs going out and burning in the wrong light spectrums. For T-5 bulbs with the most PAR I recommend ATI Blue Plus, and ATI AquaBlue Special (12k).
I was told the same at my LFS they don't trust them either. When I walk around their store they have t5 everywhere. And a few mh. Mh are hard on the power bill. I'm really checking out the unit lil fish showed me.
Ok im sold on the ai sol . Im going to run two units sideways. Im going to order them next week. The thunderstorm display is jaw dropping. As soon as my tax returns hits the bank Im ordering them.
That's what I have and they are amazing. Make sure you order the controller as well (they wont work without it). I don't think you will be disappointed and your electric bill will thank you.