Life In My Sump


Reefing newb
Was looking in my sump last night with a flashlight,and at the bottom of my sump i have quite a bit of life going on.Looks like some small feather dusters have taken up home there.Should i leave them there when i eventually clean it or move them to my display tank.There are some other critters there also probaly pods i think.
You can do what you like with them. You'll find all sorts of cool/weird stuff growing in sumps/fuges because there are no predators in there to eat them. You could try moving the feather dusters if they are large enough, but if they are tiny they are probably pretty fragile and might break.
Are you talking about a bare bottom sump or is there substrate in the sump? Sure sounds like you have a good start on a refugium whether you want one or not. I would take advantage of your good fortune and slowly drop sand in about a 0.5 inch at a time, maybe add a light and some macro algae and set the light cycle opposite of your display tanks light cycle. Wa La, a refugium. Probably the easiest, cheapest way to minimize your tanks water parameter swings between day and night. Lowers the stress on fish and coral a huge amount.