Lemonpeel Angel ????

My local fish store just got 3 lemonpeel in. 34.99 each which I think is a little high. They are even better looking in person ,or in fishon ... I really am leaning that way..... But the royal gramma will be next !
Sorry I am late to this post. I have been busy.

Avoid the lemonpeel like it was HERPES. Once you have him, you can't get rid of it and it will kick your ass. They love corals. All corals. Don't get one. Flame Angels are hit and miss. they may nip but rarely devour. Lemonpeel devour. Coral beauties are next in line. the nip as well. Potter's angels are the safest I have found. Similar to coral beauty but have more orange or red in their coloration. The bottom line is that with corals, no angelfish is reef safe. You can reduce the risk by keeping them well fed and by having less desirable corals, like leathers. In a tank your size, I would skip an angel altogether and get some rocking coral and good, hardy fish

damnit, why the hell are the Flame, Coral Beauty and Lemon Peel my most desired fish for my tank size and also have to be coral hungry. Is there a particular coral that they desire and others that are safe to them that I could work around?
you will take a risk with any LPS coral in your tank with angelfish. You are betting about 65% of the time the fish will be model citizens. the other 35% of the time, they will munch here and there, causing the coral to close up and eventually die if it does not open up enough to get light.

Now then, that being said. I know for a fact the lemonpeel angels eat corals for part of their diet. You will not be successful that that fish. Sorry. I have had four different flame angels, none of which even sneezed at a coral, let alone eaten one. I have had 4 coral beauties as well. half of them ate corals.

They target one coral at a time. Finding their preference for taste of the mucous on the fleshy part of the coral. Angelfish tend to like the meaty corals, such as frogspawn, hammers, torches, open brains, etc. They usually leave all soft corals alone with the exception of xenia and that is just hit and miss. LPS that are less "fleshy" such as moons, lobophillia, micedium, aleviapora, goniapora, etc, tend to be left alone. Button polyps will be hit and miss as well. Mushrooms, ricordias, and all SPS are OK with pygmy angels.

I hope this helped a bit. Each fish is going to be different. You take the risk but the reward is more than worth it. I have a flame in my reef tank at work and he leaves everything alone. Up to you. Good luck

Yep, Doc's pretty good at killing fish :)

ouch. Actually, my shark ate two (a flame and a coral beauty), I still have one flame, one coral beauty got massacred by my big angelfish, and some died of Ich. My first year of this hobby, I killed dozens of fish learning things the hard way. Luckily, I have learned my lesson in a lot of ways and have several fish that are going on the two year mark of being alive

I saw a Lemonpeel at the LFS today. First one I have seen in person. They are like mini yellow tangs. I love them, but will prob never own one because of the coral eating habit.
I've had a coral beauty for 5-6 yrs now. I don't have any LPS, so can comment on that, but mine doesn't bother any SPS, clams, mushrooms or zoos.