Learning the hard way..... i think.....HELP!!!

i enjoyed reading this. it gave me some good information on how to stock my tank (timing it. i have a weird way i want to stock so I'll try it...if it doesn't work i lose 40 dollars in fish and have one very pretty fish)
what is your plan

fuzzy dwarf lionfish, some type of goby(still don't know what type yet still doing research), 1 clarki clown, and some small wrasse(i might take that one off the list, I was gonna add it last)

before I was gonna add 1 fish a week, but i guess I need to be more patient and space them out more. I am adding the lionfish first though. it's always been one of my favorite marine fish and getting a dwarf is just my way of getting one without needing a big tank.lol. I will get a volitan when I have my 75 set up as marine though. I really like the way they look.
putting a dwarf lion, goby, clown and wrasse in a 29 gallon might be pushing the bioload

i have a 10 gallon sump that will be finished with refugium and powerful skimmer. the tank already has 25 pounds of live rock and another 10 cured and ready to be put in. I am doing it very slowly though ( rock a week, and it hasn't had a lapse in its cycle yet. I have been at 0amonia, 0 nitrite, and 0 nitrates for almost a month now.) bioload is the main thing I am worried about though. I am doing all I can to make it managable. like I said the wrasse might not go in it, i might not put the goby in it. I would rather have the wrasse than the goby, but who knows. i putting in the lion or clown friday as the first fish in the tank.
Add the lion last.That way your smaller fish have already adjusted to the tank and wont become a snack as soon as they hit the water.
Add the lion last.That way your smaller fish have already adjusted to the tank and wont become a snack as soon as they hit the water.

right now the lions at the store I'd be buying them from are only 2 inches wide (including their beautiful fins), they aren't big enough to eat any of the fish I'd be adding. the clarki is the one I am worried about adding really. the clarki I am getting is one mean dude and already 2.5 inches long. I don't want him in there first at all. I know if he was in there first he would harass anything.