Lavender mushroom frag attachment


I have a small frag/sheet of Lavendar Mushroom and I'm trying to figure out how I can attach it to a specific spot on a piece of LR. I have some AquaStik epoxy putty, but wasn't sure if it was safe to use that to attach the coral directly to a rock (vs. attaching a small rock to another rock).

Is it safe for direct contact... or is there a better way to do this?
with mushrooms and other soft corals is easiest to rubberband or tie them to the rock and let them attach on their own. Or you can put them in a cup with some rubble in the bottom and let them attach.
ive had some rough luck with softies, the only way they attach is if their in a low flow area , try rubberband and string first thought :D gl
some attach after a few hours, some take longer , believe me if you try and rush it youll be dissapointed lol, i tried , just let it go with the flow (hehe)
Im sure everyones ideas work, but im with Smitty on this one from personal exp, I needle and threaded my Devils hand to a small piece of rock im fragging for a friend. I read it can take up to 2 weeks for them to attach though. Good luck!