large maroon in my predator?


Reef enthusiast
I found a snowflake eel for my tank, but he's big, around 18" I can get him for 50, which is a steal up here. He also has a zebra lionfish, but hes small at around 3 inches right now. He said that I shouldn't have to worry about the lionfish with the eel even with the size difference. I also mentioned I've wanted a maroon clown for awhile now and he said that the ones he has are quite large and one would do better in my predator tank than my reef. Any input on these choices? The guy gives great deals, and his stuff is awesome, but he's given me opinions that differ with you guys alot, so I like to get the real deal from you! I need answers quick though, as I'm doing the 15hr trip today. Thanks
I had a maroon clown who was about 4 inches long hold his own against a 6 inch volitans lionfish and a whited-eyed moray eel. I think he will do just fine with that selection. Just remember that you always take a risk with lionfish. they can devour prey the same size as their body and at some point might make a meal out of the clown. But, I have also found that when predator animals are fed well, they rarely bother their tankmates. I would give my thumbs up on it

awesome! Do you also think the lion would do well with the eel being that small? I may hold on the lion, I really wanted a radiata or antennata. I am worried I will find the zebra too small, I really wanted something that would hit about 8"
sorry for not getting back sooner, I was making pancakes for my kids. Back to lionfish... If you are not dead set on the fish you are looking at, I would wait. The radiata is such a striking fish, it is worth the wait. Both the lionfish you mentioned hit about 8 inches.

I have never had that kind of eel before so I don't know how aggressive it will be. I have found the most eels are blind and don't feed on active fish as they are opportunistic feeders of the weak and sickly. The current plan may work with a lionfish that small, but I have realized over the years that if I really want one thing, but settle for something less, I get discouraged. I would wait for the lionfish you really want. Just me. :Cheers:

Snowflake eels are not really that aggressive as far as eels go.Plus their cool to watch.
Just follow Docs suggestion.
+1 Yote. Snowflakes are about the least aggresive morays that I have read about. They all have personalities but as a species as a whole.
I wouldn't think they would be a problem together. With your tank being so new I would wait awhile between adding each fish. Let the bacteria catch up.
OK, update here. I went to North Bay and ended up picking up the snowflake, which is actually around 12". I also picked up a large maroon clown, at least 5", and really beautiful. I am always nervous when I add more than one fish at a time, but this place is a whole day to get out to and back, so I make my trips worth it.

I also picked up some bright green polyps for my reef, a meat coral, and some shrooms. I will post pix when everything is looking happy!