Just starting


Reefing newb
Alright... got the tank repaired and set up. Added about 100lbs of live rock I got from someone local's tank and a bag of live sand from petco. Added 3 damsels. 5 days so far, amonia .5-1 and steady no nitrates and nitrites are rising. The skimmer just started to have some nasty bubbles making it to the cup.

This sound like it is going ok? When should I change out some water?

What are the damsels for? Read this

Cycle your salt tank

As far as your cycle doing PWC`s you are kind of limited as to keeping the water at acceptable for them. I know you have fish in there already but it`s better to cycle with a piece of shrimp and then you could let the ammonia and nitrites rise and be over with.
+1 Mike
Although if you kept the rock wet (not just damp but wet) then you may be alright.But I would not count on it.
It could take up to a month for the ammonia and nitrites to rise, and then fall back to zero again. Once they are both at zero, you can do a water change. I also second that you shouldn't have cycled with fish... It's counterproductive.
+1 to all...plus, you're gonna hate that you added those damsels later on...they are mean as heck, but since you already have them, just wait till your amm and nitrites are at 0, then do a water change. Good luck and keep us posted, and posts some pics of your set-up:D
+1 to everyone,
Damsel (IMO) are great fish (if you get the right ones lol) but NOT something to used to cycle a tank with.. most people use a table shrimp. I started with the damsel method and then was very upset to find little Swimmy stuck to the powerhead after having him for 3 days. I then went to the shrimp, it'll spare the lives of the fish (even if people don't like them lol) and it makes for an easier time when you go to put in what you really want. if you DO want to get a fish in the damsel family, go for a clown. everyone's got em and they are much less aggressive than a blue or domino damsel.

Do you have liquid test kits? be sure to be testing with those every few days when you're cycling... I did it maybe too much but I wanted to make sure my levels were perfect.

What kind of lighting/equipment are you running? whats the levels and temp for everything? when it all normals out after a month it should be good to add some fish :)
+1 to all.

just wait it out when nitrates go to 0 then do a water change and TAKE IT SLOW after that.