just some questons


1. i have a 40 gallon tank with 192 watt lights (for now) i have a clam (less than 4 inches from surface so he gets proper light) and i have a good amount of coral. my queston is, is that im gona get more coral and i have a barrier reef style, where it is open on one side and then bulds up till it gets really dense on the other side is it ok if i add coral around the same place and some of it gets a partical shade. because i wanted to put cup corals on the top of the tanks surface

2. i went on vacation and it seems my feather duster has disepeared his tube is welted and there is know sighn of him that i can see. is he dead . but than agin all the water tests came out purfect:question: hope to get some help thanx
Some corals will do just fine partially shaded. Some need full light. Your idea will work fine if you choose your corals carefully. Also, some corals cannot touch each other. So you need to make sure, when placing them, that there is enough space between them.

Feather dusters can be hard animals to keep alive. Sometimes they'll leave their tubes altogether, and move into the rocks. Sometimes they'll start building a new tube, but sometimes if they disappear it means they've died. It's hard to know for sure.

When you say your water tests came out perfect, what do you mean? What were your parameters, exactly? Perfect can mean different things to different people, and different animals have different requirements.
ok well what i mean is that my high range ph came out 8.4

my ammonia test came out 0 ppm

my nitrate test came out 0 ppm

i thought if something died it would have come out diffrently
If you have a good cleaner crew, then something dying shouldn't spike your parameters. It's the cleaner crew's job to clean up any dead things as quickly as possible so it doesn't endanger the rest of the tank.